Search Results for author: Wei Jia

Found 21 papers, 4 papers with code

Lightweight Multiplane Images Network for Real-Time Stereoscopic Conversion from Planar Video

no code implementations4 Dec 2024 Shanding Diao, Yang Zhao, Yuan Chen, Zhao Zhang, Wei Jia, Ronggang Wang

This paper proposes a planar video real-time stereoscopic conversion network based on multi-plane images (MPI), which consists of a detail branch for generating MPI and a depth-semantic branch for perceiving depth information.


Manifold-based Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Bi-Consistency Guidance

no code implementations16 May 2024 Huibing Wang, Mingze Yao, Yawei Chen, Yunqiu Xu, Haipeng Liu, Wei Jia, Xianping Fu, Yang Wang

Moreover, to preserve the consistency information among multiple views, MIMB implements a biconsistency guidance strategy with reverse regularization of the consensus representation and proposes a manifold embedding measure for exploring the hidden structure of the recovered data.

Clustering Incomplete multi-view clustering +1

Audio-Infused Automatic Image Colorization by Exploiting Audio Scene Semantics

no code implementations24 Jan 2024 Pengcheng Zhao, Yanxiang Chen, Yang Zhao, Wei Jia, Zhao Zhang, Ronggang Wang, Richang Hong

Second, the natural co-occurrence of audio and video is utilized to learn the color semantic correlations between audio and visual scenes.

Colorization Image Colorization

Learning In-context Learning for Named Entity Recognition

2 code implementations18 May 2023 Jiawei Chen, Yaojie Lu, Hongyu Lin, Jie Lou, Wei Jia, Dai Dai, Hua Wu, Boxi Cao, Xianpei Han, Le Sun

M}$, and a new entity extractor can be implicitly constructed by applying new instruction and demonstrations to PLMs, i. e., $\mathcal{ (\lambda .

Diversity few-shot-ner +5

Universal Information Extraction as Unified Semantic Matching

no code implementations9 Jan 2023 Jie Lou, Yaojie Lu, Dai Dai, Wei Jia, Hongyu Lin, Xianpei Han, Le Sun, Hua Wu

Based on this paradigm, we propose to universally model various IE tasks with Unified Semantic Matching (USM) framework, which introduces three unified token linking operations to model the abilities of structuring and conceptualizing.


Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (convLSTM) for Spatio-Temporal Forecastings of Saturations and Pressure in the SACROC Field

no code implementations15 Oct 2022 Palash Panja, Wei Jia, Alec Nelson, Brian McPherson

A machine learning architecture composed of convolutional long short-term memory (convLSTM) is developed to predict spatio-temporal parameters in the SACROC oil field, Texas, USA.

Depth Estimation by Combining Binocular Stereo and Monocular Structured-Light

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Yuhua Xu, Xiaoli Yang, Yushan Yu, Wei Jia, Zhaobi Chu, Yulan Guo

In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system, we build a prototype and collect a test dataset in indoor scenes.

Depth Estimation Stereo Matching

Geometric Synthesis: A Free lunch for Large-scale Palmprint Recognition Model Pretraining

no code implementations11 Mar 2022 Kai Zhao, Lei Shen, Yingyi Zhang, Chuhan Zhou, Tao Wang, Ruixin Zhang, Shouhong Ding, Wei Jia, Wei Shen

In this paper, by observing that palmar creases are the key information to deep-learning-based palmprint recognition, we propose to synthesize training data by manipulating palmar creases.


Fooling the Eyes of Autonomous Vehicles: Robust Physical Adversarial Examples Against Traffic Sign Recognition Systems

no code implementations17 Jan 2022 Wei Jia, Zhaojun Lu, Haichun Zhang, Zhenglin Liu, Jie Wang, Gang Qu

From the view of object detectors, the traffic sign`s position and quality of the video are continuously changing, rendering the digital AEs ineffective in the physical world.

Object Traffic Sign Recognition

Multi-frame Joint Enhancement for Early Interlaced Videos

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Yang Zhao, Yanbo Ma, Yuan Chen, Wei Jia, Ronggang Wang, Xiaoping Liu

Early interlaced videos usually contain multiple and interlacing and complex compression artifacts, which significantly reduce the visual quality.

Video Deinterlacing Video Reconstruction

Bilateral Grid Learning for Stereo Matching Networks

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Bin Xu, Yuhua Xu, Xiaoli Yang, Wei Jia, Yulan Guo

In this paper, we present a novel edge-preserving cost volume upsampling module based on the slicing operation in the learned bilateral grid.

Robot Navigation Stereo Matching

Touchless Palmprint Recognition based on 3D Gabor Template and Block Feature Refinement

no code implementations3 Mar 2021 Zhaoqun Li, Xu Liang, Dandan Fan, Jinxing Li, Wei Jia, David Zhang

To our best knowledge, it is the largest contactless palmprint image benchmark ever collected with regard to the number of individuals and palms.

Person Identification

Deep View Synthesis via Self-Consistent Generative Network

1 code implementation19 Jan 2021 Zhuoman Liu, Wei Jia, Ming Yang, Peiyao Luo, Yong Guo, Mingkui Tan

To address the above issues, in this paper, we propose a novel deep generative model, called Self-Consistent Generative Network (SCGN), which synthesizes novel views from the given input views without explicitly exploiting the geometric information.

Rethinking deinterlacing for early interlaced videos

no code implementations27 Nov 2020 Yang Zhao, Wei Jia, Ronggang Wang

Traditional deinterlacing approaches are mainly focused on early interlacing scanning systems and thus cannot handle the complex and complicated artifacts in real-world early interlaced videos.

Image Restoration

Residual-Guided In-Loop Filter Using Convolution Neural Network

no code implementations29 Jul 2019 Wei Jia, Li Li, Zhu Li, Xiang Zhang, Shan Liu

The block-based coding structure in the hybrid video coding framework inevitably introduces compression artifacts such as blocking, ringing, etc.


ARNOR: Attention Regularization based Noise Reduction for Distant Supervision Relation Classification

no code implementations ACL 2019 Wei Jia, Dai Dai, Xinyan Xiao, Hua Wu

In this paper, we propose ARNOR, a novel Attention Regularization based NOise Reduction framework for distant supervision relation classification.

Classification General Classification +3

End-to-End Detection and Re-identification Integrated Net for Person Search

no code implementations2 Apr 2018 Zhenwei He, Lei Zhang, Wei Jia

This paper proposes a pedestrian detection and re-identification (re-id) integration net (I-Net) in an end-to-end learning framework.

Pedestrian Detection Person Search

GUN: Gradual Upsampling Network for Single Image Super-Resolution

no code implementations13 Mar 2017 Yang Zhao, Guoqing Li, Wenjun Xie, Wei Jia, Hai Min, Xiaoping Liu

The GUN consists of an input layer, multiple upsampling and convolutional layers, and an output layer.

Image Super-Resolution

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