Search Results for author: Weichang Wu

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Efficient Model Stealing Defense with Noise Transition Matrix

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Dong-Dong Wu, Chilin Fu, Weichang Wu, Wenwen Xia, Xiaolu Zhang, Jun Zhou, Min-Ling Zhang

With the escalating complexity and investment cost of training deep neural networks safeguarding them from unauthorized usage and intellectual property theft has become imperative.

An Adaptive Placement and Parallelism Framework for Accelerating RLHF Training

no code implementations19 Dec 2023 Youshao Xiao, Zhenglei Zhou, Fagui Mao, Weichang Wu, Shangchun Zhao, Lin Ju, Lei Liang, Xiaolu Zhang, Jun Zhou

To address these issues, we propose a flexible model placement framework that offers two general and agile model placement strategies.

Decoupled Learning for Factorial Marked Temporal Point Processes

no code implementations21 Jan 2018 Weichang Wu, Junchi Yan, Xiaokang Yang, Hongyuan Zha

In conventional (multi-dimensional) marked temporal point process models, event is often encoded by a single discrete variable i. e. a marker.

Point Processes

Patient Flow Prediction via Discriminative Learning of Mutually-Correcting Processes

no code implementations14 Feb 2016 Hongteng Xu, Weichang Wu, Shamim Nemati, Hongyuan Zha

By treating a sequence of transition events as a point process, we develop a novel framework for modeling patient flow through various CUs and jointly predicting patients' destination CUs and duration days.

feature selection Management

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