Search Results for author: Weifeng Xu

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

RCDM: Enabling Robustness for Conditional Diffusion Model

no code implementations5 Aug 2024 Weifeng Xu, Xiang Zhu, Xiaoyong Li

The conditional diffusion model (CDM) enhances the standard diffusion model by providing more control, improving the quality and relevance of the outputs, and making the model adaptable to a wider range of complex tasks.

Data Augmentation model

A Saliency Enhanced Feature Fusion based multiscale RGB-D Salient Object Detection Network

no code implementations22 Jan 2024 Rui Huang, Qingyi Zhao, Yan Xing, Sihua Gao, Weifeng Xu, Yuxiang Zhang, Wei Fan

SEFF utilizes saliency maps of the neighboring scales to enhance the necessary features for fusing, resulting in more representative fused features.

object-detection RGB-D Salient Object Detection +2

Federated Coordinate Descent for Privacy-Preserving Multiparty Linear Regression

no code implementations16 Sep 2022 Xinlin Leng, Chenxu Li, Weifeng Xu, Yuyan Sun, Hongtao Wang

We show that the FCD scheme fills the gap of multiparty secure Coordinate Descent methods and is applicable for general linear regressions, including linear, ridge and lasso regressions.

Privacy Preserving regression

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