Search Results for author: Weigang Lu

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

Aligning Multiple Knowledge Graphs in a Single Pass

no code implementations1 Aug 2024 Yaming Yang, Zhe Wang, Ziyu Guan, Wei Zhao, Weigang Lu, Xinyan Huang

Entity alignment (EA) is to identify equivalent entities across different knowledge graphs (KGs), which can help fuse these KGs into a more comprehensive one.

Entity Alignment Knowledge Graphs

AdaGMLP: AdaBoosting GNN-to-MLP Knowledge Distillation

1 code implementation23 May 2024 Weigang Lu, Ziyu Guan, Wei Zhao, Yaming Yang

However, these methods face significant challenges in situations with insufficient training data and incomplete test data, limiting their applicability in real-world applications.

Knowledge Distillation

NodeMixup: Tackling Under-Reaching for Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation20 Dec 2023 Weigang Lu, Ziyu Guan, Wei Zhao, Yaming Yang, Long Jin

However, due to the uneven location distribution of labeled nodes in the graph, labeled nodes are only accessible to a small portion of unlabeled nodes, leading to the \emph{under-reaching} issue.

Node Classification

Pseudo Contrastive Learning for Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning

no code implementations19 Feb 2023 Weigang Lu, Ziyu Guan, Wei Zhao, Yaming Yang, Yuanhai Lv, Lining Xing, Baosheng Yu, DaCheng Tao

Pseudo Labeling is a technique used to improve the performance of semi-supervised Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) by generating additional pseudo-labels based on confident predictions.

Contrastive Learning Data Augmentation

Self-supervised Heterogeneous Graph Pre-training Based on Structural Clustering

1 code implementation19 Oct 2022 Yaming Yang, Ziyu Guan, Zhe Wang, Wei Zhao, Cai Xu, Weigang Lu, Jianbin Huang

The two modules can effectively utilize and enhance each other, promoting the model to learn discriminative embeddings.


An Improved Normed-Deformable Convolution for Crowd Counting

1 code implementation16 Jun 2022 Xin Zhong, Zhaoyi Yan, Jing Qin, WangMeng Zuo, Weigang Lu

However, the heads are not uniformly covered by the sampling points in the deformable convolution, resulting in loss of head information.

Crowd Counting

SkipNode: On Alleviating Performance Degradation for Deep Graph Convolutional Networks

1 code implementation22 Dec 2021 Weigang Lu, Yibing Zhan, Binbin Lin, Ziyu Guan, Liu Liu, Baosheng Yu, Wei Zhao, Yaming Yang, DaCheng Tao

In this paper, we conduct theoretical and experimental analysis to explore the fundamental causes of performance degradation in deep GCNs: over-smoothing and gradient vanishing have a mutually reinforcing effect that causes the performance to deteriorate more quickly in deep GCNs.

Link Prediction Node Classification

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