Search Results for author: Weihong Guo

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

Time-Varying Graph Signal Recovery Using High-Order Smoothness and Adaptive Low-rankness

no code implementations16 May 2024 Weihong Guo, Yifei Lou, Jing Qin, Ming Yan

Time-varying graph signal recovery has been widely used in many applications, including climate change, environmental hazard monitoring, and epidemic studies.

PCM-TV-TFV: A Novel Two Stage Framework for Image Reconstruction from Fourier Data

no code implementations29 May 2017 Weihong Guo, Guohui Song, Yue Zhang

We propose in this paper a novel two-stage Projection Correction Modeling (PCM) framework for image reconstruction from (non-uniform) Fourier measurements.

Image Reconstruction

Single image super-resolution by approximated Heaviside functions

no code implementations12 Mar 2015 Liang-Jian Deng, Weihong Guo, Ting-Zhu Huang

We propose a new iterative model for single image super-resolution based on an observation: an image is consisted of smooth components and non-smooth components, and we use two classes of approximated Heaviside functions (AHFs) to represent them respectively.

Image Super-Resolution

Two-stage Geometric Information Guided Image Reconstruction

no code implementations26 Sep 2014 Jing Qin, Weihong Guo

Existing methods mostly work well on piecewise constant images but not so well on piecewise smooth images such as natural images, medical images that contain a lot of details.

Compressive Sensing Image Reconstruction +1

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