Search Results for author: Weijia Liu

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Context-Enhanced Video Moment Retrieval with Large Language Models

no code implementations21 May 2024 Weijia Liu, Bo Miao, Jiuxin Cao, Xuelin Zhu, Bo Liu, Mehwish Nasim, Ajmal Mian

Specifically, LMR introduces a context enhancement technique with LLMs to generate crucial target-related context semantics.

cross-modal alignment Language Modelling +3

Query-Based Knowledge Sharing for Open-Vocabulary Multi-Label Classification

no code implementations2 Jan 2024 Xuelin Zhu, Jian Liu, Dongqi Tang, Jiawei Ge, Weijia Liu, Bo Liu, Jiuxin Cao

Identifying labels that did not appear during training, known as multi-label zero-shot learning, is a non-trivial task in computer vision.

Knowledge Distillation Multi-Label Classification +1

Differentially Private Average Consensus with Improved Accuracy-Privacy Trade-off

no code implementations15 Sep 2023 Lei Wang, Weijia Liu, Fanghong Guo, Zixin Qiao, Zhengguang Wu

Gaussian noise and the output of the mechanism using Gaussian noises, it is shown that the resulting average consensus algorithm can eliminate the gap in the sense that the accuracy-privacy trade-off of the centralized averaging approach with differential privacy can be almost recovered by appropriately designing the variances of the added noises.

Two-Stream Transformer for Multi-Label Image Classification

1 code implementation ACMMM 2022 Xuelin Zhu, Jiuxin Cao, Jiawei Ge, Weijia Liu, Bo Liu

Specifically, in each layer of TSFormer, a cross-modal attention module is developed to aggregate visual features from spatial stream into semantic stream and update label semantics via a residual connection.

Classification Multi-Label Image Classification +1

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