Search Results for author: Weikang Zhang

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Optically-triggered deterministic spiking regimes in nanostructure resonant tunnelling diode-photodetectors

no code implementations23 Apr 2023 Qusay Raghib Ali Al-Taai, MatĚJ Hejda, Weikang Zhang, Bruno Romeira, José M. L. Figueiredo, Edward Wasige, Antonio Hurtado

This work reports a nanostructure resonant tunnelling diode-photodetector (RTD-PD) device and demonstrates its operation as a controllable, optically-triggered excitable spike generator.

Artificial optoelectronic spiking neuron based on a resonant tunnelling diode coupled to a vertical cavity surface emitting laser

no code implementations22 Jun 2022 MatĚJ Hejda, Ekaterina Malysheva, Dafydd Owen-Newns, Qusay Raghib Ali Al-Taai, Weikang Zhang, Ignacio Ortega-Piwonka, Julien Javaloyes, Edward Wasige, Victor Dolores-Calzadilla, José M. L. Figueiredo, Bruno Romeira, Antonio Hurtado

Furthermore, we also investigate in theory the prospects of the proposed system for its nanophotonic implementation with a monolithic design combining a nanoscale RTD element and a nanolaser; therefore demonstrating the potential of integrated RTD-based excitable nodes for low footprint, high-speed optoelectronic spiking neurons in future neuromorphic photonic hardware.

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