Search Results for author: Weimin Zhong

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

OpenGCD: Assisting Open World Recognition with Generalized Category Discovery

1 code implementation14 Aug 2023 Fulin Gao, Weimin Zhong, Zhixing Cao, Xin Peng, Zhi Li

To bridge this gap, we propose OpenGCD that combines three key ideas to solve the above problems sequentially: (a) We score the origin of instances (unknown or specifically known) based on the uncertainty of the classifier's prediction; (b) For the first time, we introduce generalized category discovery (GCD) techniques in OWR to assist humans in grouping unlabeled data; (c) For the smooth execution of IL and GCD, we retain an equal number of informative exemplars for each class with diversity as the goal.

Continual Learning Diversity +2

Deep adaptive fuzzy clustering for evolutionary unsupervised representation learning

no code implementations31 Mar 2021 Dayu Tan, Zheng Huang, Xin Peng, Weimin Zhong, Vladimir Mahalec

We joint fuzzy clustering to the deep reconstruction model, in which fuzzy membership is utilized to represent a clear structure of deep cluster assignments and jointly optimize for the deep representation learning and clustering.

Clustering Deep Clustering +1

Representation Evaluation Block-based Teacher-Student Network for the Industrial Quality-relevant Performance Modeling and Monitoring

no code implementations20 Jan 2021 Dan Yang, Xin Peng, Yusheng Lu, Haojie Huang, Weimin Zhong

Quality-relevant fault detection plays an important role in industrial processes, while the current quality-related fault detection methods based on neural networks main concentrate on process-relevant variables and ignore quality-relevant variables, which restrict the application of process monitoring.

Fault Detection

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