Search Results for author: Weiqing Cao

Found 1 papers, 0 papers with code

Towards Understanding Chinese Checkers with Heuristics, Monte Carlo Tree Search, and Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations5 Mar 2019 Ziyu Liu, Meng Zhou, Weiqing Cao, Qiang Qu, Henry Wing Fung Yeung, Vera Yuk Ying Chung

The game of Chinese Checkers is a challenging traditional board game of perfect information that differs from other traditional games in two main aspects: first, unlike Chess, all checkers remain indefinitely in the game and hence the branching factor of the search tree does not decrease as the game progresses; second, unlike Go, there are also no upper bounds on the depth of the search tree since repetitions and backward movements are allowed.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

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