no code implementations • ECCV 2020 • Weitao Wan, Jiansheng Chen, Ming-Hsuan Yang
We call such a new robust training strategy the adversarial training with bi-directional likelihood regularization (ATBLR) method.
no code implementations • CVPR 2023 • Xuanyi Du, Weitao Wan, Chong Sun, Chen Li
We propose a novel Knowledge Transfer (KT) loss which simultaneously distills the knowledge of objectness and class entropy from a proposal generator trained on the S dataset to optimize a multiple instance learning module on the T dataset.
no code implementations • 27 Mar 2022 • Xingxuan Zhang, Zekai Xu, Renzhe Xu, Jiashuo Liu, Peng Cui, Weitao Wan, Chong Sun, Chen Li
Despite the striking performance achieved by modern detectors when training and test data are sampled from the same or similar distribution, the generalization ability of detectors under unknown distribution shifts remains hardly studied.
no code implementations • ICCV 2021 • Cheng Yu, Jiansheng Chen, Youze Xue, Yuyang Liu, Weitao Wan, Jiayu Bao, Huimin Ma
Physical-world adversarial attacks based on universal adversarial patches have been proved to be able to mislead deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), exposing the vulnerability of real-world visual classification systems based on CNNs.
no code implementations • 18 Nov 2020 • Weitao Wan, Jiansheng Chen, Cheng Yu, Tong Wu, Yuanyi Zhong, Ming-Hsuan Yang
In this work, we propose a Gaussian mixture (GM) loss function for deep neural networks for visual classification.
no code implementations • ICCV 2019 • Weitao Wan, Jiansheng Chen, Tianpeng Li, Yiqing Huang, Jingqi Tian, Cheng Yu, Youze Xue
In convolutional neural networks (CNNs), we propose to estimate the importance of a feature vector at a spatial location in the feature maps by the network's uncertainty on its class prediction, which can be quantified using the information entropy.
2 code implementations • CVPR 2018 • Weitao Wan, Yuanyi Zhong, Tianpeng Li, Jiansheng Chen
We propose a large-margin Gaussian Mixture (L-GM) loss for deep neural networks in classification tasks.