no code implementations • 10 Jan 2024 • Changye Li, Weizhe Xu, Trevor Cohen, Serguei Pakhomov
\textbf{Results}: Imperfect ASR-generated transcripts surprisingly outperformed manual transcription for distinguishing between individuals with AD and those without in the ``Cookie Theft'' task.
Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2
1 code implementation • 14 Feb 2023 • Changye Li, Weizhe Xu, Trevor Cohen, Martin Michalowski, Serguei Pakhomov
The evidence is growing that machine and deep learning methods can learn the subtle differences between the language produced by people with various forms of cognitive impairment such as dementia and cognitively healthy individuals.
2 code implementations • ACL 2022 • Changye Li, David Knopman, Weizhe Xu, Trevor Cohen, Serguei Pakhomov
Deep learning (DL) techniques involving fine-tuning large numbers of model parameters have delivered impressive performance on the task of discriminating between language produced by cognitively healthy individuals, and those with Alzheimer's disease (AD).