Search Results for author: Wen Huang

Found 15 papers, 3 papers with code

Prototype and Instance Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Speaker Verification

no code implementations22 Oct 2024 Wen Huang, Bing Han, Zhengyang Chen, Shuai Wang, Yanmin Qian

In this paper, we propose Prototype and Instance Contrastive Learning (PICL), a novel method for unsupervised domain adaptation in speaker verification through dual-level contrastive learning.

Contrastive Learning Speaker Verification +1

Unified Audio Event Detection

no code implementations13 Sep 2024 Yidi Jiang, Ruijie Tao, Wen Huang, Qian Chen, Wen Wang

Sound Event Detection (SED) detects regions of sound events, while Speaker Diarization (SD) segments speech conversations attributed to individual speakers.

Event Detection Sound Event Detection +2

Federated Learning on Riemannian Manifolds with Differential Privacy

no code implementations15 Apr 2024 Zhenwei Huang, Wen Huang, Pratik Jawanpuria, Bamdev Mishra

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first federated learning framework on Riemannian manifold with a privacy guarantee and convergence results.

Federated Learning

Visual Hallucinations of Multi-modal Large Language Models

1 code implementation22 Feb 2024 Wen Huang, Hongbin Liu, Minxin Guo, Neil Zhenqiang Gong

We find that existing MLLMs such as GPT-4V, LLaVA-1. 5, and MiniGPT-v2 hallucinate for a large fraction of the instances in our benchmark.

Diversity Hallucination +2

Robustly Improving Bandit Algorithms with Confounded and Selection Biased Offline Data: A Causal Approach

no code implementations20 Dec 2023 Wen Huang, Xintao Wu

A major obstacle in this setting is the existence of compound biases from the observational data.

Selection bias

Data-Free Hard-Label Robustness Stealing Attack

1 code implementation10 Dec 2023 Xiaojian Yuan, Kejiang Chen, Wen Huang, Jie Zhang, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu

In response to these identified gaps, we introduce a novel Data-Free Hard-Label Robustness Stealing (DFHL-RS) attack in this paper, which enables the stealing of both model accuracy and robustness by simply querying hard labels of the target model without the help of any natural data.

Local Differential Privacy in Graph Neural Networks: a Reconstruction Approach

1 code implementation15 Sep 2023 Karuna Bhaila, Wen Huang, Yongkai Wu, Xintao Wu

We focus on a decentralized notion of Differential Privacy, namely Local Differential Privacy, and apply randomization mechanisms to perturb both feature and label data at the node level before the data is collected by a central server for model training.

A Robust Classifier Under Missing-Not-At-Random Sample Selection Bias

no code implementations25 May 2023 Huy Mai, Wen Huang, Wei Du, Xintao Wu

In this paper, we propose BiasCorr, an algorithm that improves on Greene's method by modifying the original training set in order for a classifier to learn under MNAR sample selection bias.

Robust classification Selection bias

Achieving Counterfactual Fairness for Causal Bandit

no code implementations21 Sep 2021 Wen Huang, Lu Zhang, Xintao Wu

In online recommendation, customers arrive in a sequential and stochastic manner from an underlying distribution and the online decision model recommends a chosen item for each arriving individual based on some strategy.

Causal Inference counterfactual +1

Recursive Importance Sketching for Rank Constrained Least Squares: Algorithms and High-order Convergence

no code implementations17 Nov 2020 Yuetian Luo, Wen Huang, Xudong Li, Anru R. Zhang

In this paper, we propose {\it \underline{R}ecursive} {\it \underline{I}mportance} {\it \underline{S}ketching} algorithm for {\it \underline{R}ank} constrained least squares {\it \underline{O}ptimization} (RISRO).


Achieving User-Side Fairness in Contextual Bandits

no code implementations22 Oct 2020 Wen Huang, Kevin Labille, Xintao Wu, Dongwon Lee, Neil Heffernan

Personalized recommendation based on multi-arm bandit (MAB) algorithms has shown to lead to high utility and efficiency as it can dynamically adapt the recommendation strategy based on feedback.

Fairness Multi-Armed Bandits

Fairness through Equality of Effort

no code implementations11 Nov 2019 Wen Huang, Yongkai Wu, Lu Zhang, Xintao Wu

We develop algorithms for determining whether an individual or a group of individuals is discriminated in terms of equality of effort.

BIG-bench Machine Learning counterfactual +1

Deep Denoising: Rate-Optimal Recovery of Structured Signals with a Deep Prior

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Reinhard Heckel, Wen Huang, Paul Hand, Vladislav Voroninski

Deep neural networks provide state-of-the-art performance for image denoising, where the goal is to recover a near noise-free image from a noisy image.

Image Denoising

Rate-Optimal Denoising with Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Reinhard Heckel, Wen Huang, Paul Hand, Vladislav Voroninski

Deep neural networks provide state-of-the-art performance for image denoising, where the goal is to recover a near noise-free image from a noisy observation.

Image Denoising

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