Search Results for author: Wen Ji

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Mixed-Precision Neural Network Quantization via Learned Layer-wise Importance

1 code implementation16 Mar 2022 Chen Tang, Kai Ouyang, Zhi Wang, Yifei Zhu, YaoWei Wang, Wen Ji, Wenwu Zhu

For example, MPQ search on ResNet18 with our indicators takes only 0. 06 s, which improves time efficiency exponentially compared to iterative search methods.


Transformers in Medical Image Analysis: A Review

no code implementations24 Feb 2022 Kelei He, Chen Gan, Zhuoyuan Li, Islem Rekik, Zihao Yin, Wen Ji, Yang Gao, Qian Wang, Junfeng Zhang, Dinggang Shen

Transformers have dominated the field of natural language processing, and recently impacted the computer vision area.

Image Generation

Cross-Modality Brain Tumor Segmentation via Bidirectional Global-to-Local Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

1 code implementation17 May 2021 Kelei He, Wen Ji, Tao Zhou, Zhuoyuan Li, Jing Huo, Xin Zhang, Yang Gao, Dinggang Shen, Bing Zhang, Junfeng Zhang

Specifically, a bidirectional image synthesis and segmentation module is proposed to segment the brain tumor using the intermediate data distributions generated for the two domains, which includes an image-to-image translator and a shared-weighted segmentation network.

Brain Tumor Segmentation Image Generation +3

Synergistic Learning of Lung Lobe Segmentation and Hierarchical Multi-Instance Classification for Automated Severity Assessment of COVID-19 in CT Images

no code implementations8 May 2020 Kelei He, Wei Zhao, Xingzhi Xie, Wen Ji, Mingxia Liu, Zhenyu Tang, Feng Shi, Yang Gao, Jun Liu, Junfeng Zhang, Dinggang Shen

Considering that only a few infection regions in a CT image are related to the severity assessment, we first represent each input image by a bag that contains a set of 2D image patches (with each cropped from a specific slice).


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