Search Results for author: Wenbin Ge

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

OFASys: A Multi-Modal Multi-Task Learning System for Building Generalist Models

1 code implementation8 Dec 2022 Jinze Bai, Rui Men, Hao Yang, Xuancheng Ren, Kai Dang, Yichang Zhang, Xiaohuan Zhou, Peng Wang, Sinan Tan, An Yang, Zeyu Cui, Yu Han, Shuai Bai, Wenbin Ge, Jianxin Ma, Junyang Lin, Jingren Zhou, Chang Zhou

As a starting point, we provide presets of 7 different modalities and 23 highly-diverse example tasks in OFASys, with which we also develop a first-in-kind, single model, OFA+, that can handle text, image, speech, video, and motion data.

Multi-Task Learning

Video Object Segmentation Using Global and Instance Embedding Learning

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Wenbin Ge, Xiankai Lu, Jianbing Shen

In this paper, we propose a feature embedding based video object segmentation (VOS) method which is simple, fast and effective.

Object Relation +4

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