Search Results for author: Wenbo Wang

Found 27 papers, 3 papers with code

Equity-aware Load Shedding Optimization

no code implementations25 Jun 2024 Xin Fang, Wenbo Wang, Fei Ding

Load shedding is usually the last resort to balance generation and demand to maintain stable operation of the electric grid after major disturbances.

Sparse Attention-driven Quality Prediction for Production Process Optimization in Digital Twins

no code implementations20 May 2024 Yanlei Yin, Lihua Wang, Dinh Thai Hoang, Wenbo Wang, Dusit Niyato

By iteratively mapping the real-world data reflecting equipment operation status and product quality indicators in the digital twin, we adopt a quality prediction model for production process based on self-attention-enabled temporal convolutional neural networks.

Edge Computing for IoT: Novel Insights from a Comparative Analysis of Access Control Models

no code implementations13 May 2024 Tao Xue, Ying Zhang, Yanbin Wang, Wenbo Wang, Shuailou Li, Haibin Zhang

IoT edge computing positions computing resources closer to the data sources to reduce the latency, relieve the bandwidth pressure on the cloud, and enhance data security.

Autonomous Vehicles Cloud Computing +1

CourseGPT-zh: an Educational Large Language Model Based on Knowledge Distillation Incorporating Prompt Optimization

no code implementations8 May 2024 Zheyan Qu, Lu Yin, Zitong Yu, Wenbo Wang, Xing Zhang

Moreover, considering the alignment of LLM responses with user needs, a novel method for discrete prompt optimization based on LLM-as-Judge is introduced.

Diversity Knowledge Distillation +4

Adaptive Online Model Update Algorithm for Predictive Control in Networked Systems

no code implementations1 May 2024 Vivek Khatana, Chin-Yao Chang, Wenbo Wang

In this article, we introduce an adaptive online model update algorithm designed for predictive control applications in networked systems, particularly focusing on power distribution systems.

4D-DRESS: A 4D Dataset of Real-world Human Clothing with Semantic Annotations

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Wenbo Wang, Hsuan-I Ho, Chen Guo, Boxiang Rong, Artur Grigorev, Jie Song, Juan Jose Zarate, Otmar Hilliges

Addressing this gap, we introduce 4D-DRESS, the first real-world 4D dataset advancing human clothing research with its high-quality 4D textured scans and garment meshes.

Human Parsing

Computation Rate Maximization for Wireless Powered Edge Computing With Multi-User Cooperation

1 code implementation22 Jan 2024 Yang Li, Xing Zhang, Bo Lei, Qianying Zhao, Min Wei, Zheyan Qu, Wenbo Wang

Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed algorithms is comparable to that of the exhaustive search method, and the deep learning-based algorithm significantly reduces the execution time of the algorithm.


TranDRL: A Transformer-Driven Deep Reinforcement Learning Enabled Prescriptive Maintenance Framework

no code implementations29 Sep 2023 Yang Zhao, Jiaxi Yang, Wenbo Wang, Helin Yang, Dusit Niyato

Industrial systems demand reliable predictive maintenance strategies to enhance operational efficiency and reduce downtime.


Optimal Driving Model for Connected and Automated Electric Freight Vehicles in a Wireless Charging Scenario at Signalised Intersections

no code implementations Appl. Sci. 2023 Wenbo Wang, Songhua Fan, Zijian Wang, Xinpeng Yao, Kenan Mu

In this study, wireless charging technology is employed to construct a complex driving scenario including urban roads and dynamic wireless charging facilities.

Communication Efficient Distributed Learning over Wireless Channels

no code implementations4 Sep 2022 Idan Achituve, Wenbo Wang, Ethan Fetaya, Amir Leshem

Vertical distributed learning exploits the local features collected by multiple learning workers to form a better global model.

Multi-faceted Graph Attention Network for Radar Target Recognition in Heterogeneous Radar Network

no code implementations10 Jun 2022 Han Meng, Yuexing Peng, Wei Xiang, Xu Pang, Wenbo Wang

In this paper, a two-stream semantic feature fusion model, termed Multi-faceted Graph Attention Network (MF-GAT), is proposed to greatly improve the accuracy in the low SNR region of the heterogeneous radar network.

Graph Attention

Spatio-Temporal-Frequency Graph Attention Convolutional Network for Aircraft Recognition Based on Heterogeneous Radar Network

no code implementations15 Apr 2022 Han Meng, Yuexing Peng, Wenbo Wang, Peng Cheng, Yonghui Li, Wei Xiang

This paper proposes a knowledge-and-data-driven graph neural network-based collaboration learning model for reliable aircraft recognition in a heterogeneous radar network.

Diversity Graph Attention +1

Improved Sensing and Positioning via 5G and mmWave radar for Airport Surveillance

no code implementations28 Feb 2022 Bo Tan, Elena Simona Lohan, Bo Sun, Wenbo Wang, Taylan Yesilyurt, Christophe Morlaas, Carlos David Morales Pena, Kanaan Abdo, Fathia Ben Slama, Alexandre Simonin, Mohamed Ellejmi

This paper explores an integrated approach for improved sensing and positioning with applications in air traffic management (ATM) and in the Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS).


Deep learning-based UAV detection in the low altitude clutter background

no code implementations24 Feb 2022 Zeyang Wu, Wenbo Wang, Yuexing Peng

A low-altitude UAV detection method based on deep contrastive learning is proposed to address the above problems: Concretely, a low-altitude UAV radar echo model under low-altitude clutter interference is first established.

Contrastive Learning

Medium Access Control protocol for Collaborative Spectrum Learning in Wireless Networks

no code implementations25 Oct 2021 Tomer Boyarski, Wenbo Wang, Amir Leshem

Based on the algorithm we provide a medium access control protocol which allows distributed implementation of the algorithm in ad-hoc networks.


RSS-based Multiple Sources Localization with Unknown Log-normal Shadow Fading

no code implementations20 Oct 2021 Yueyan Chu, Wenbin Guo, Kangyong You, Lei Zhao, Tao Peng, Wenbo Wang

Then we utilize the K-means clustering method to obtain the rough locations of the off-grid sources as the initial feasible point of the ML estimator.

Converging Radar and Communications in the Superposition Transmission

no code implementations12 Aug 2021 Wenbo Wang, Bo Tan, Elena Simona Lohan, Mikko Valkama

Under communications quality-of-service (QoS) constraints, the joint performance region of communications sum rate and radar estimation error variance is studied.


Impact of DER Communication Delay in AGC: Cyber-Physical Dynamic Simulation

no code implementations7 May 2021 Wenbo Wang, Xin Fang, Anthony Florita

Distributed energy resource (DER) frequency regulations are promising technologies for future grid operation.

Low-dimensional Denoising Embedding Transformer for ECG Classification

no code implementations31 Mar 2021 Jian Guan, Wenbo Wang, Pengming Feng, Xinxin Wang, Wenwu Wang

However, the high-dimensional embedding obtained via 1-D convolution and positional encoding can lead to the loss of the signal's own temporal information and a large amount of training parameters.

Classification Denoising +2

Demand-Side Scheduling Based on Multi-Agent Deep Actor-Critic Learning for Smart Grids

no code implementations5 May 2020 Joash Lee, Wenbo Wang, Dusit Niyato

Each household is a decentralized agent with partial observability, which allows scalability and privacy-preservation in a realistic setting.

Distributional Reinforcement Learning energy management +3

Decentralized Learning for Channel Allocation in IoT Networks over Unlicensed Bandwidth as a Contextual Multi-player Multi-armed Bandit Game

1 code implementation30 Mar 2020 Wenbo Wang, Amir Leshem, Dusit Niyato, Zhu Han

We study a decentralized channel allocation problem in an ad-hoc Internet of Things network underlaying on the spectrum licensed to a primary cellular network.

Learning Confidence Sets using Support Vector Machines

no code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Wenbo Wang, Xingye Qiao

The goal of confidence-set learning in the binary classification setting is to construct two sets, each with a specific probability guarantee to cover a class.

Binary Classification General Classification

A Survey on Consensus Mechanisms and Mining Strategy Management in Blockchain Networks

no code implementations7 May 2018 Wenbo Wang, Dinh Thai Hoang, Peizhao Hu, Zehui Xiong, Dusit Niyato, Ping Wang, Yonggang Wen, Dong In Kim

This survey is motivated by the lack of a comprehensive literature review on the development of decentralized consensus mechanisms in blockchain networks.

Cryptography and Security

Decentralized Caching for Content Delivery Based on Blockchain: A Game Theoretic Perspective

no code implementations23 Jan 2018 Wenbo Wang, Dusit Niyato, Ping Wang, Amir Leshem

In this paper, we propose a decentralized framework of proactive caching in a hierarchical wireless network based on blockchains.

Networking and Internet Architecture

On Reject and Refine Options in Multicategory Classification

no code implementations9 Jan 2017 Chong Zhang, Wenbo Wang, Xingye Qiao

In many real applications of statistical learning, a decision made from misclassification can be too costly to afford; in this case, a reject option, which defers the decision until further investigation is conducted, is often preferred.

Binary Classification Classification +2

Social Computing for Mobile Big Data in Wireless Networks

no code implementations30 Sep 2016 Xing Zhang, Zhenglei Yi, Zhi Yan, Geyong Min, Wenbo Wang, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang

Mobile big data contains vast statistical features in various dimensions, including spatial, temporal, and the underlying social domain.


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