1 code implementation • 14 Jun 2024 • Renukanandan Tumu, Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, Ján Drgoňa, Draguna L. Vrabie, Sonja Glavaski
Transportation is a major contributor to CO2 emissions, making it essential to optimize traffic networks to reduce energy-related emissions.
1 code implementation • 14 Nov 2023 • Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, Jan Drgona, Draguna Vrabie, Mahantesh Halappanavar
In this paper, we propose a novel predictive safety filter that is robust to bounded perturbations and is implemented in an even-triggered fashion to reduce online computation.
no code implementations • 24 Jun 2023 • Truong X. Nghiem, Ján Drgoňa, Colin Jones, Zoltan Nagy, Roland Schwan, Biswadip Dey, Ankush Chakrabarty, Stefano Di Cairano, Joel A. Paulson, Andrea Carron, Melanie N. Zeilinger, Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, Draguna L. Vrabie
Specifically, the paper covers an overview of the theory, fundamental concepts and methods, tools, and applications on topics of: 1) physics-informed learning for system identification; 2) physics-informed learning for control; 3) analysis and verification of PIML models; and 4) physics-informed digital twins.
no code implementations • 15 Aug 2022 • Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, Soumya Vasisht, Aaron Tuor, Ján Drgoňa, Draguna Vrabie
Conventional physics-based modeling is a time-consuming bottleneck in control design for complex nonlinear systems like autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).
1 code implementation • 3 Aug 2022 • Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, Jan Drgona, Aaron Tuor, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Draguna Vrabie
We develop a novel form of differentiable predictive control (DPC) with safety and robustness guarantees based on control barrier functions.
no code implementations • 31 Mar 2021 • Xiao Tan, Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
Furthermore, the proposed formulation accounts for "performance-critical" control: it guarantees that a subset of the forward invariant set will admit any existing, bounded control law, while still ensuring forward invariance of the set.
1 code implementation • 8 Sep 2020 • Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
The proposed approach consists of a sampled-data controller and an algorithm for barrier function construction to enforce safety (i. e satisfy position and velocity constraints).
no code implementations • 27 Aug 2020 • Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
A novel control method is proposed to ensure compatibility of safe, stabilizing control laws, i. e., simultaneous satisfaction of asymptotic stability and constraint satisfaction for nonlinear affine systems.