Search Results for author: Wenhan Zhang

Found 12 papers, 1 papers with code

Filtered Randomized Smoothing: A New Defense for Robust Modulation Classification

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Wenhan Zhang, Meiyu Zhong, Ravi Tandon, Marwan Krunz

Other approaches, such as Randomized Smoothing (RS), which injects noise into the input, address this shortcoming by providing provable certified guarantees against arbitrary attacks, however, they tend to sacrifice accuracy.


Design and Implementation of A Soccer Ball Detection System with Multiple Cameras

no code implementations31 Jan 2023 Lei LI, Tianfang Zhang, Zhongfeng Kang, Wenhan Zhang

This paper designed and implemented football detection system under multiple cameras for the detection and capture of targets in real-time matches.


SuperTML: Two-Dimensional Word Embedding and Transfer Learning Using ImageNet Pretrained CNN Models for the Classifications on Tabular Data

no code implementations28 May 2019 Baohua Sun, Lin Yang, Wenhan Zhang, Michael Lin, Patrick Dong, Charles Young and Jason Dong

The recent work of Super Characters method using two-dimensional word embedding achieved state-of-the-art results in text classification tasks, showcasing the promise of this new approach.

text-classification Text Classification +1

SuperCaptioning: Image Captioning Using Two-dimensional Word Embedding

no code implementations25 May 2019 Baohua Sun, Lin Yang, Michael Lin, Charles Young, Patrick Dong, Wenhan Zhang, Jason Dong

In this paper, we propose the SuperCaptioning method, which borrows the idea of two-dimensional word embedding from Super Characters method, and processes the information of language and vision together in one single CNN model.

General Classification Image Captioning +4

SuperChat: Dialogue Generation by Transfer Learning from Vision to Language using Two-dimensional Word Embedding and Pretrained ImageNet CNN Models

no code implementations7 May 2019 Baohua Sun, Lin Yang, Michael Lin, Charles Young, Jason Dong, Wenhan Zhang, Patrick Dong

The recent work of Super Characters method using two-dimensional word embedding achieved state-of-the-art results in text classification tasks, showcasing the promise of this new approach.

Dialogue Generation General Classification +3

Squared English Word: A Method of Generating Glyph to Use Super Characters for Sentiment Analysis

no code implementations24 Jan 2019 Baohua Sun, Lin Yang, Catherine Chi, Wenhan Zhang, Michael Lin

The Super Characters method addresses sentiment analysis problems by first converting the input text into images and then applying 2D-CNN models to classify the sentiment.

General Classification Sentence +1

MRAM Co-designed Processing-in-Memory CNN Accelerator for Mobile and IoT Applications

no code implementations26 Nov 2018 Baohua Sun, Daniel Liu, Leo Yu, Jay Li, Helen Liu, Wenhan Zhang, Terry Torng

We designed a device for Convolution Neural Network applications with non-volatile MRAM memory and computing-in-memory co-designed architecture.

Ultra Power-Efficient CNN Domain Specific Accelerator with 9.3TOPS/Watt for Mobile and Embedded Applications

no code implementations30 Apr 2018 Baohua Sun, Lin Yang, Patrick Dong, Wenhan Zhang, Jason Dong, Charles Young

Furthermore, in order to better support real-world deployment for various application scenarios, especially with low-end mobile and embedded platforms and MCUs (Microcontroller Units), we also designed algorithms to fully utilize the CNN-DSA accelerator efficiently by reducing the dependency on external accelerator computation resources, including implementation of Fully-Connected (FC) layers within the accelerator and compression of extracted features from the CNN-DSA accelerator.

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