Search Results for author: Wenjie Ai

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Learning to Complement and to Defer to Multiple Users

1 code implementation9 Jul 2024 Zheng Zhang, Wenjie Ai, Kevin Wells, David Rosewarne, Thanh-Toan Do, Gustavo Carneiro

This process has three options: 1) AI autonomously classifies, 2) learning to complement, where AI collaborates with users, and 3) learning to defer, where AI defers to users.

Decision Making

Chaotic World: A Large and Challenging Benchmark for Human Behavior Understanding in Chaotic Events

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Kian Eng Ong, Xun Long Ng, Yanchao Li, Wenjie Ai, Kuangyi Zhao, Si Yong Yeo, Jun Liu

Understanding and analyzing human behaviors (actions and interactions of people), voices, and sounds in chaotic events is crucial in many applications, e. g., crowd management, emergency response services.

Action Localization Pathfinder +1

Image-to-Video Generation via 3D Facial Dynamics

no code implementations31 May 2021 Xiaoguang Tu, Yingtian Zou, Jian Zhao, Wenjie Ai, Jian Dong, Yuan YAO, Zhikang Wang, Guodong Guo, Zhifeng Li, Wei Liu, Jiashi Feng

Video generation from a single face image is an interesting problem and usually tackled by utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to integrate information from the input face image and a sequence of sparse facial landmarks.

Image to Video Generation Video Prediction

Joint Face Image Restoration and Frontalization for Recognition

no code implementations12 May 2021 Xiaoguang Tu, Jian Zhao, Qiankun Liu, Wenjie Ai, Guodong Guo, Zhifeng Li, Wei Liu, Jiashi Feng

First, MDFR is a well-designed encoder-decoder architecture which extracts feature representation from an input face image with arbitrary low-quality factors and restores it to a high-quality counterpart.

Decoder Face Recognition +1

Single Image Super-Resolution via Residual Neuron Attention Networks

no code implementations21 May 2020 Wenjie Ai, Xiaoguang Tu, Shilei Cheng, Mei Xie

Experiments results demonstrate that our RNAN achieves the comparable results with state-of-the-art methods in terms of both quantitative metrics and visual quality, however, with simplified network architecture.

Image Super-Resolution

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