Search Results for author: Wenqiang Liu

Found 10 papers, 4 papers with code

Distributed Multi-Objective Dynamic Offloading Scheduling for Air-Ground Cooperative MEC

no code implementations16 Mar 2024 Yang Huang, Miaomiao Dong, Yijie Mao, Wenqiang Liu, Zhen Gao

Due to such design and the kernel-based neural network, to which decision-making features can be continuously added, the kernel-based approach can outperform the approach based on fully-connected deep neural network, yielding improvement in energy consumption and the backlog performance, as well as a significant reduction in decision-making and online learning time.

Decision Making Edge-computing +4

Knowledge-augmented Few-shot Visual Relation Detection

no code implementations9 Mar 2023 Tianyu Yu, Yangning Li, Jiaoyan Chen, Yinghui Li, Hai-Tao Zheng, Xi Chen, Qingbin Liu, Wenqiang Liu, Dongxiao Huang, Bei Wu, Yexin Wang

Inspired by this, we devise a knowledge-augmented, few-shot VRD framework leveraging both textual knowledge and visual relation knowledge to improve the generalization ability of few-shot VRD.

Diversity Few-Shot Learning +3

Lifelong Embedding Learning and Transfer for Growing Knowledge Graphs

1 code implementation29 Nov 2022 Yuanning Cui, Yuxin Wang, Zequn Sun, Wenqiang Liu, Yiqiao Jiang, Kexin Han, Wei Hu

We consider knowledge transfer and retention of the learning on growing snapshots of a KG without having to learn embeddings from scratch.

Knowledge Graphs Transfer Learning

Facing Changes: Continual Entity Alignment for Growing Knowledge Graphs

1 code implementation23 Jul 2022 Yuxin Wang, Yuanning Cui, Wenqiang Liu, Zequn Sun, Yiqiao Jiang, Kexin Han, Wei Hu

To avoid retraining an entire model on the whole KGs whenever new entities and triples come, we present a continual alignment method for this task.

Entity Alignment Inductive Learning +1

PDD Graph: Bridging Electronic Medical Records and Biomedical Knowledge Graphs via Entity Linking

no code implementations17 Jul 2017 Meng Wang, Jiaheng Zhang, Jun Liu, Wei Hu, Sen Wang, Xue Li, Wenqiang Liu

Electronic medical records contain multi-format electronic medical data that consist of an abundance of medical knowledge.

Entity Linking Knowledge Graphs

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