Search Results for author: Wensen Feng

Found 12 papers, 1 papers with code

MA-NeRF: Motion-Assisted Neural Radiance Fields for Face Synthesis from Sparse Images

no code implementations17 Jun 2023 Weichen Zhang, Xiang Zhou, Yukang Cao, Wensen Feng, Chun Yuan

We improve from NeRF and propose a novel framework that, by leveraging the parametric 3DMM models, can reconstruct a high-fidelity drivable face avatar and successfully handle the unseen expressions.

Face Generation NeRF +1

WT-MVSNet: Window-based Transformers for Multi-view Stereo

no code implementations28 May 2022 Jinli Liao, Yikang Ding, Yoli Shavit, Dihe Huang, Shihao Ren, Jia Guo, Wensen Feng, Kai Zhang

In this work, we propose Window-based Transformers (WT) for local feature matching and global feature aggregation in multi-view stereo.

Adversarial Learning of Hard Positives for Place Recognition

no code implementations8 May 2022 Wenxuan Fang, Kai Zhang, Yoli Shavit, Wensen Feng

Our method learns local and global augmentation policies which will increase the training loss, while the image retrieval network is forced to learn more powerful features for discriminating increasingly difficult examples.

Image Retrieval Retrieval

Controllable Continuous Gaze Redirection

1 code implementation9 Oct 2020 Weihao Xia, Yujiu Yang, Jing-Hao Xue, Wensen Feng

The encoder maps images into a well-disentangled and hierarchically-organized latent space.

Attribute Decoder +1

Learning Generic Diffusion Processes for Image Restoration

no code implementations17 Jul 2018 Peng Qiao, Yong Dou, Yunjin Chen, Wensen Feng

On the contrary, the regularization term learned via discriminative approaches are usually trained for a specific image restoration problem, and fail in the problem for which it is not trained.

Denoising Image Restoration

Speckle Reduction with Trained Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering

no code implementations24 Feb 2017 Wensen Feng, Yunjin Chen

Therefore, in this study we aim to propose an efficient despeckling model with both high computational efficiency and high recovery quality.

Computational Efficiency Image Restoration

Learning Non-local Image Diffusion for Image Denoising

no code implementations24 Feb 2017 Peng Qiao, Yong Dou, Wensen Feng, Yunjin Chen

In order to preserve the expected property that end-to-end training is available, we exploit the NSS prior by a set of non-local filters, and derive our proposed trainable non-local reaction diffusion (TNLRD) model for image denoising.

Image Denoising SSIM

Image Denoising via Multi-scale Nonlinear Diffusion Models

no code implementations21 Sep 2016 Wensen Feng, Peng Qiao, Xuanyang Xi, Yunjin Chen

However, in recent two years, discriminatively trained local approaches have started to outperform previous non-local models and have been attracting increasing attentions due to the additional advantage of computational efficiency.

Computational Efficiency Image Denoising

Poisson Noise Reduction with Higher-order Natural Image Prior Model

no code implementations19 Sep 2016 Wensen Feng, Hong Qiao, Yunjin Chen

We start with a direct modeling in the original image domain by taking into account the Poisson noise statistics, which performs generally well for the cases of high SNR.

Denoising Image Restoration

Fast and Accurate Poisson Denoising with Optimized Nonlinear Diffusion

no code implementations10 Oct 2015 Wensen Feng, Yunjin Chen

The degradation of the acquired signal by Poisson noise is a common problem for various imaging applications, such as medical imaging, night vision and microscopy.

Computational Efficiency Denoising +1

A higher-order MRF based variational model for multiplicative noise reduction

no code implementations21 Apr 2014 Yunjin Chen, Wensen Feng, René Ranftl, Hong Qiao, Thomas Pock

The Fields of Experts (FoE) image prior model, a filter-based higher-order Markov Random Fields (MRF) model, has been shown to be effective for many image restoration problems.

Image Restoration

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