Search Results for author: Wensheng Zhang

Found 36 papers, 6 papers with code

Gradient Projection For Continual Parameter-Efficient Tuning

no code implementations22 May 2024 Jingyang Qiao, Zhizhong Zhang, Xin Tan, Yanyun Qu, Wensheng Zhang, Zhi Han, Yuan Xie

Parameter-efficient tunings (PETs) have demonstrated impressive performance and promising perspectives in training large models, while they are still confronted with a common problem: the trade-off between learning new content and protecting old knowledge, leading to zero-shot generalization collapse, and cross-modal hallucination.

Continual Learning Hallucination +1

LoRAP: Transformer Sub-Layers Deserve Differentiated Structured Compression for Large Language Models

no code implementations15 Apr 2024 Guangyan Li, Yongqiang Tang, Wensheng Zhang

With this regard, we design a mixed compression model, which organically combines Low-Rank matrix approximation And structured Pruning (LoRAP).

Hierarchical Skip Decoding for Efficient Autoregressive Text Generation

no code implementations22 Mar 2024 Yunqi Zhu, Xuebing Yang, Yuanyuan Wu, Wensheng Zhang

Autoregressive decoding strategy is a commonly used method for text generation tasks with pre-trained language models, while early-exiting is an effective approach to speedup the inference stage.

Text Generation

Integrating Homomorphic Encryption and Trusted Execution Technology for Autonomous and Confidential Model Refining in Cloud

no code implementations2 Aug 2023 Pinglan Liu, Wensheng Zhang

By the outsourcing, other than utilizing the extensive and scalable resource offered by the cloud service provider, it will also be attractive to users if the cloud servers can manage the machine learning processes autonomously on behalf of the users.

Cloud Computing

Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning with Layer Pruning on Free-Text Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling

1 code implementation15 May 2023 Yunqi Zhu, Xuebing Yang, Yuanyuan Wu, Wensheng Zhang

The increasing size of language models raises great research interests in parameter-efficient fine-tuning such as LoRA that freezes the pre-trained model, and injects small-scale trainable parameters for multiple downstream tasks (e. g., summarization, question answering and translation).

Dialogue Generation parameter-efficient fine-tuning +1

Cross-Stream Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

no code implementations3 May 2023 Ding Li, Yongqiang Tang, Zhizhong Zhang, Wensheng Zhang

Besides, to further exploit the potential of positive pairs and increase the robustness of self-supervised representation learning, we propose a Positive Feature Transformation (PFT) strategy which adopts feature-level manipulation to increase the variance of positive pairs.

Action Recognition Contrastive Learning +2

Cross-Domain Label Propagation for Domain Adaptation with Discriminative Graph Self-Learning

no code implementations17 Feb 2023 Lei Tian, Yongqiang Tang, Liangchen Hu, Wensheng Zhang

In this paper, we propose a novel domain adaptation method, which infers target pseudo-labels through cross-domain label propagation, such that the underlying manifold structure of two domain data can be explored.

Domain Adaptation Self-Learning +2

Leveraging Summary Guidance on Medical Report Summarization

no code implementations8 Feb 2023 Yunqi Zhu, Xuebing Yang, Yuanyuan Wu, Wensheng Zhang

This study presents three deidentified large medical text datasets, named DISCHARGE, ECHO and RADIOLOGY, which contain 50K, 16K and 378K pairs of report and summary that are derived from MIMIC-III, respectively.

16k Abstractive Text Summarization +1

Constrained Maximum Cross-Domain Likelihood for Domain Generalization

no code implementations9 Oct 2022 Jianxin Lin, Yongqiang Tang, JunPing Wang, Wensheng Zhang

Finally, a Constrained Maximum Cross-domain Likelihood (CMCL) optimization problem is deduced, by solving which the joint distributions are naturally aligned.

Domain Generalization

Mitigating Both Covariate and Conditional Shift for Domain Generalization

no code implementations17 Sep 2022 Jianxin Lin, Yongqiang Tang, JunPing Wang, Wensheng Zhang

Domain generalization (DG) aims to learn a model on several source domains, hoping that the model can generalize well to unseen target domains.

Domain Generalization

Active Learning with Effective Scoring Functions for Semi-Supervised Temporal Action Localization

no code implementations31 Aug 2022 Ding Li, Xuebing Yang, Yongqiang Tang, Chenyang Zhang, Wensheng Zhang

And the other introduces a new metric based on mutual information between adjacent action proposals and evaluates the informativeness of video samples, named Temporal Context Inconsistency (TCI).

Active Learning Informativeness +1

Attentive pooling for Group Activity Recognition

no code implementations31 Aug 2022 Ding Li, Yuan Xie, Wensheng Zhang, Yongqiang Tang, Zhizhong Zhang

However, the existing methods simply employed max/average pooling in this framework, which ignored the distinct contributions of different individuals to the group activity recognition.

Group Activity Recognition

Variational Distillation for Multi-View Learning

3 code implementations20 Jun 2022 Xudong Tian, Zhizhong Zhang, Cong Wang, Wensheng Zhang, Yanyun Qu, Lizhuang Ma, Zongze Wu, Yuan Xie, DaCheng Tao

Information Bottleneck (IB) based multi-view learning provides an information theoretic principle for seeking shared information contained in heterogeneous data descriptions.

MULTI-VIEW LEARNING Representation Learning

Deep Multi-View Semi-Supervised Clustering with Sample Pairwise Constraints

no code implementations10 Jun 2022 Rui Chen, Yongqiang Tang, Wensheng Zhang, Wenlong Feng

Multi-view clustering has attracted much attention thanks to the capacity of multi-source information integration.


Improving Fraud Detection via Hierarchical Attention-based Graph Neural Network

no code implementations12 Feb 2022 Yajing Liu, Zhengya Sun, Wensheng Zhang

In this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Attention-based Graph Neural Network (HA-GNN) for fraud detection, which incorporates weighted adjacency matrices across different relations against camouflage.

Fraud Detection Graph Neural Network +1

Differentiable N-gram Objective on Abstractive Summarization

1 code implementation8 Feb 2022 Yunqi Zhu, Xuebing Yang, Yuanyuan Wu, Mingjin Zhu, Wensheng Zhang

ROUGE is a standard automatic evaluation metric based on n-grams for sequence-to-sequence tasks, while cross-entropy loss is an essential objective of neural network language model that optimizes at a unigram level.

Abstractive Text Summarization Language Modelling

Multi-scale 2D Representation Learning for weakly-supervised moment retrieval

no code implementations4 Nov 2021 Ding Li, Rui Wu, Yongqiang Tang, Zhizhong Zhang, Wensheng Zhang

Specifically, we first construct a two-dimensional map for each temporal scale to capture the temporal dependencies between candidates.

Moment Retrieval Representation Learning +1

Towards Book Cover Design via Layout Graphs

1 code implementation24 May 2021 Wensheng Zhang, Yan Zheng, Taiga Miyazono, Seiichi Uchida, Brian Kenji Iwana

Book covers are intentionally designed and provide an introduction to a book.

Optimizing Fund Allocation for Game-based Verifiable Computation Outsourcing

no code implementations11 Mar 2021 Pinglan Liu, Xiaojuan Ma, Wensheng Zhang

The cloud server makes a deposit for each task it takes, each client allocates a budget (including the wage for the server and the cost for possibly hiring TTP) for each task submitted, and every party has its limited fund for either deposits or task budgets.

Computer Science and Game Theory

A Non-Stationary VVLC MIMO Channel Model for Street Corner Scenarios

no code implementations28 Jul 2020 Qingshan Chen, Cheng-Xiang Wang, Jian Sun, Wensheng Zhang, Qiuming Zhu

The study of the underlying VLC channel is the basis for designing the VLC communication system.

Robust Locality-Aware Regression for Labeled Data Classification

no code implementations15 Jun 2020 Liangchen Hu, Wensheng Zhang

With the dramatic increase of dimensions in the data representation, extracting latent low-dimensional features becomes of the utmost importance for efficient classification.

Classification feature selection +3

Domain Adaptation by Class Centroid Matching and Local Manifold Self-Learning

1 code implementation20 Mar 2020 Lei Tian, Yongqiang Tang, Liangchen Hu, Zhida Ren, Wensheng Zhang

Domain adaptation has been a fundamental technology for transferring knowledge from a source domain to a target domain.

Self-Learning Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Multi-Task Generative Adversarial Nets with Shared Memory for Cross-Domain Coordination Control

no code implementations1 Jul 2018 JunPing Wang, Wensheng Zhang, Ian Thomas, ShiHui Duan, YouKang Shi

The key challenges for the sequential decision process is to online generate sequential decision-making policy directly, and transferring knowledge across tasks domain.

Decision Making

Robust Kernelized Multi-View Self-Representations for Clustering by Tensor Multi-Rank Minimization

no code implementations15 Sep 2017 Yanyun Qu, Jinyan Liu, Yuan Xie, Wensheng Zhang

In particular, the original tensor-based multi-view self-representation clustering problem is a special case of our approach and can be solved by our algorithm.

Clustering Face Clustering

Lesion detection and Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy via Two-stages Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations2 May 2017 Yehui Yang, Tao Li, Wensi Li, Haishan Wu, Wei Fan, Wensheng Zhang

We propose an automatic diabetic retinopathy (DR) analysis algorithm based on two-stages deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN).

Lesion Detection

On Unifying Multi-View Self-Representations for Clustering by Tensor Multi-Rank Minimization

no code implementations23 Oct 2016 Yuan Xie, DaCheng Tao, Wensheng Zhang, Lei Zhang, Yan Liu, Yanyun Qu

Different from traditional unfolding based tensor norm, this low-rank tensor constraint has optimality properties similar to that of matrix rank derived from SVD, so the complementary information among views can be explored more efficiently and thoroughly.

Clustering Multi-view Subspace Clustering

Weighted Schatten $p$-Norm Minimization for Image Denoising and Background Subtraction

no code implementations3 Dec 2015 Yuan Xie, Shuhang Gu, Yan Liu, WangMeng Zuo, Wensheng Zhang, Lei Zhang

However, NNM tends to over-shrink the rank components and treats the different rank components equally, limiting its flexibility in practical applications.

Image Denoising

A New Low-Rank Tensor Model for Video Completion

no code implementations7 Sep 2015 Wenrui Hu, DaCheng Tao, Wensheng Zhang, Yuan Xie, Yehui Yang

On the other, t-TNN is equal to the nuclear norm of block circulant matricization of the twist tensor in the original domain, which extends the traditional matrix nuclear norm in a block circulant way.

Missing Values

Distortion-driven Turbulence Effect Removal using Variational Model

no code implementations17 Jan 2014 Yuan Xie, Wensheng Zhang, DaCheng Tao, Wenrui Hu, Yanyun Qu, Hanzi Wang

To solve, or at least reduce these effects, we propose a new scheme to recover a latent image from observed frames by integrating a new variational model and distortion-driven spatial-temporal kernel regression.


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