Search Results for author: Wenshuo Wang

Found 26 papers, 6 papers with code

Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving with Parameterized Skills and Priors

1 code implementation8 May 2023 Letian Wang, Jie Liu, Hao Shao, Wenshuo Wang, RuoBing Chen, Yu Liu, Steven L. Waslander

Inspired by this, we propose ASAP-RL, an efficient reinforcement learning algorithm for autonomous driving that simultaneously leverages motion skills and expert priors.

Autonomous Driving reinforcement-learning

Understanding Bugs in Multi-Language Deep Learning Frameworks

no code implementations5 Mar 2023 Zengyang Li, Sicheng Wang, Wenshuo Wang, Peng Liang, Ran Mo, Bing Li

Third, we found that 28. 6%, 31. 4%, and 16. 0% of bugs in MXNet, PyTorch, and TensorFlow are MPL bugs, respectively; the PL combination of Python and C/C++ is most used in fixing more than 92% MPL bugs in all DLFs.

Deep Learning

Tea: Program Repair Using Neural Network Based on Program Information Attention Matrix

no code implementations17 Jul 2021 Wenshuo Wang, Chen Wu, Liang Cheng, Yang Zhang

The advance in machine learning (ML)-driven natural language process (NLP) points a promising direction for automatic bug fixing for software programs, as fixing a buggy program can be transformed to a translation task.

Bug fixing Program Repair +1

Spatiotemporal Learning of Multivehicle Interaction Patterns in Lane-Change Scenarios

1 code implementation2 Mar 2020 Chengyuan Zhang, Jiacheng Zhu, Wenshuo Wang, Junqiang Xi

Results demonstrate that our proposed Bayesian nonparametric approach provides an insight into the complicated lane-change interactions of the ego vehicle with multiple surrounding traffic participants based on the interpretable interaction patterns and their transition properties in temporal relationships.

Autonomous Vehicles Clustering +1

Measuring Similarity of Interactive Driving Behaviors Using Matrix Profile

no code implementations28 Oct 2019 Qin Lin, Wenshuo Wang, Yihuan Zhang, John Dolan

Understanding multi-vehicle interactive behaviors with temporal sequential observations is crucial for autonomous vehicles to make appropriate decisions in an uncertain traffic environment.

Autonomous Vehicles Clustering

Probabilistic Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles with Attentive Recurrent Neural Process

no code implementations17 Oct 2019 Jiacheng Zhu, Shenghao Qin, Wenshuo Wang, Ding Zhao

Constructed by incorporating NPs with recurrent neural networks (RNNs), the ARNP model predicts the distribution of a target vehicle trajectory conditioned on the observed long-term sequential data of all surrounding vehicles.

Autonomous Vehicles Meta-Learning +1

Recurrent Attentive Neural Process for Sequential Data

no code implementations17 Oct 2019 Shenghao Qin, Jiacheng Zhu, Jimmy Qin, Wenshuo Wang, Ding Zhao

Neural processes (NPs) learn stochastic processes and predict the distribution of target output adaptively conditioned on a context set of observed input-output pairs.

Autonomous Driving

Multi-Vehicle Interaction Scenarios Generation with Interpretable Traffic Primitives and Gaussian Process Regression

no code implementations8 Oct 2019 Weiyang Zhang, Wenshuo Wang, Ding Zhao

The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method can generate a bunch of human-like multi-vehicle interaction trajectories that can fit different road conditions remaining the key interaction patterns of agents in the provided scenarios, which is import to the development of autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous Vehicles Decision Making +2

Active Learning for Risk-Sensitive Inverse Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations14 Sep 2019 Rui Chen, Wenshuo Wang, Zirui Zhao, Ding Zhao

One typical assumption in inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) is that human experts act to optimize the expected utility of a stochastic cost with a fixed distribution.

Active Learning reinforcement-learning +2

A General Framework of Learning Multi-Vehicle Interaction Patterns from Videos

1 code implementation17 Jul 2019 Chengyuan Zhang, Jiacheng Zhu, Wenshuo Wang, Ding Zhao

Semantic learning and understanding of multi-vehicle interaction patterns in a cluttered driving environment are essential but challenging for autonomous vehicles to make proper decisions.

Autonomous Vehicles

Metropolized Knockoff Sampling

1 code implementation1 Mar 2019 Stephen Bates, Emmanuel Candès, Lucas Janson, Wenshuo Wang

Model-X knockoffs is a wrapper that transforms essentially any feature importance measure into a variable selection algorithm, which discovers true effects while rigorously controlling the expected fraction of false positives.


A New Multi-vehicle Trajectory Generator to Simulate Vehicle-to-Vehicle Encounters

no code implementations15 Sep 2018 Wenhao Ding, Wenshuo Wang, Ding Zhao

Generating multi-vehicle trajectories from existing limited data can provide rich resources for autonomous vehicle development and testing.

Autonomous Vehicles Decoder +1

Understanding V2V Driving Scenarios through Traffic Primitives

no code implementations27 Jul 2018 Wenshuo Wang, Weiyang Zhang, Ding Zhao

Semantically understanding complex drivers' encountering behavior, wherein two or multiple vehicles are spatially close to each other, does potentially benefit autonomous car's decision-making design.

Clustering Decision Making +1

A Tempt to Unify Heterogeneous Driving Databases using Traffic Primitives

no code implementations13 May 2018 Jiacheng Zhu, Wenshuo Wang, Ding Zhao

A multitude of publicly-available driving datasets and data platforms have been raised for autonomous vehicles (AV).

Autonomous Vehicles Time Series +1

Cluster Naturalistic Driving Encounters Using Deep Unsupervised Learning

no code implementations28 Feb 2018 Sisi Li, Wenshuo Wang, Zhaobin Mo, Ding Zhao

Learning knowledge from driving encounters could help self-driving cars make appropriate decisions when driving in complex settings with nearby vehicles engaged.

Clustering Self-Driving Cars

Learning and Inferring a Driver's Braking Action in Car-Following Scenarios

no code implementations11 Jan 2018 Wenshuo Wang, Junqiang Xi, Ding Zhao

A learning-based inference method, using onboard data from CAN-Bus, radar and cameras as explanatory variables, is introduced to infer drivers' braking decisions by combining a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with a hidden Markov model (HMM).


Extracting Traffic Primitives Directly from Naturalistically Logged Data for Self-Driving Applications

no code implementations11 Sep 2017 Wenshuo Wang, Ding Zhao

Developing an automated vehicle, that can handle complicated driving scenarios and appropriately interact with other road users, requires the ability to semantically learn and understand driving environment, oftentimes, based on analyzing massive amounts of naturalistic driving data.

Autonomous Vehicles Time Series Analysis

Driving Style Analysis Using Primitive Driving Patterns With Bayesian Nonparametric Approaches

no code implementations16 Aug 2017 Wenshuo Wang, Junqiang Xi, Ding Zhao

In order to achieve this, first, a Bayesian nonparametric learning method based on a hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) is introduced to extract primitive driving patterns from time series driving data without prior knowledge of the number of these patterns.

Time Series Analysis

How Much Data is Enough? A Statistical Approach with Case Study on Longitudinal Driving Behavior

no code implementations23 Jun 2017 Wenshuo Wang, Chang Liu, Ding Zhao

For projects that cost millions of dollars, it is critical to determine the right amount of data needed.

Density Estimation

Feature Analysis and Selection for Training an End-to-End Autonomous Vehicle Controller Using the Deep Learning Approach

no code implementations28 Mar 2017 Shun Yang, Wenshuo Wang, Chang Liu, Kevin Deng, J. Karl Hedrick

We collect a large set of data using The Open Racing Car Simulator (TORCS) and classify the image features into three categories (sky-related, roadside-related, and road-related features). We then design two experimental frameworks to investigate the importance of each single feature for training a CNN controller. The first framework uses the training data with all three features included to train a controller, which is then tested with data that has one feature removed to evaluate the feature's effects.

Autonomous Vehicles feature selection

A Learning-Based Approach for Lane Departure Warning Systems with a Personalized Driver Model

no code implementations4 Feb 2017 Wenshuo Wang, Ding Zhao, Junqiang Xi, Wei Han

Second, based on this model, we develop an online model-based prediction algorithm to predict the forthcoming vehicle trajectory and judge whether the driver will demonstrate an LDB or a DCB.

A Rapid Pattern-Recognition Method for Driving Types Using Clustering-Based Support Vector Machines

no code implementations22 May 2016 Wenshuo Wang, Junqiang Xi

To shorten the recognition time and improve the recognition of driving styles, a k-means clustering-based support vector machine ( kMC-SVM) method is developed and used for classifying drivers into two types: aggressive and moderate.


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