Search Results for author: Wensi Ai

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

TeleMoMa: A Modular and Versatile Teleoperation System for Mobile Manipulation

no code implementations12 Mar 2024 Shivin Dass, Wensi Ai, Yuqian Jiang, Samik Singh, Jiaheng Hu, Ruohan Zhang, Peter Stone, Ben Abbatematteo, Roberto Martín-Martín

This problem is more severe in mobile manipulation, where collecting demonstrations is harder than in stationary manipulation due to the lack of available and easy-to-use teleoperation interfaces.

Imitation Learning

NOIR: Neural Signal Operated Intelligent Robots for Everyday Activities

no code implementations2 Nov 2023 Ruohan Zhang, Sharon Lee, Minjune Hwang, Ayano Hiranaka, Chen Wang, Wensi Ai, Jin Jie Ryan Tan, Shreya Gupta, Yilun Hao, Gabrael Levine, Ruohan Gao, Anthony Norcia, Li Fei-Fei, Jiajun Wu

We present Neural Signal Operated Intelligent Robots (NOIR), a general-purpose, intelligent brain-robot interface system that enables humans to command robots to perform everyday activities through brain signals.


VRKitchen2.0-IndoorKit: A Tutorial for Augmented Indoor Scene Building in Omniverse

no code implementations23 Jun 2022 Yizhou Zhao, Steven Gong, Xiaofeng Gao, Wensi Ai, Song-Chun Zhu

With the recent progress of simulations by 3D modeling software and game engines, many researchers have focused on Embodied AI tasks in the virtual environment.

Benchmarking Indoor Scene Synthesis

Triangular Character Animation Sampling with Motion, Emotion, and Relation

no code implementations9 Mar 2022 Yizhou Zhao, Liang Qiu, Wensi Ai, Pan Lu, Song-Chun Zhu

We propose a Spatial-Temporal And-Or graph (ST-AOG), a stochastic grammar model, to encode the contextual relationship between motion, emotion, and relation, forming a triangle in a conditional random field.


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