Search Results for author: Wenye Li

Found 23 papers, 6 papers with code

OpenTensor: Reproducing Faster Matrix Multiplication Discovering Algorithms

1 code implementation31 May 2024 Yiwen Sun, Wenye Li

OpenTensor is a reproduction of AlphaTensor, which discovered a new algorithm that outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for matrix multiplication by Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL).


Elementary Analysis of Policy Gradient Methods

no code implementations4 Apr 2024 Jiacai Liu, Wenye Li, Ke Wei

Projected policy gradient under the simplex parameterization, policy gradient and natural policy gradient under the softmax parameterization, are fundamental algorithms in reinforcement learning.

Policy Gradient Methods

S-NeRF++: Autonomous Driving Simulation via Neural Reconstruction and Generation

no code implementations3 Feb 2024 Yurui Chen, Junge Zhang, Ziyang Xie, Wenye Li, Feihu Zhang, Jiachen Lu, Li Zhang

Autonomous driving simulation system plays a crucial role in enhancing self-driving data and simulating complex and rare traffic scenarios, ensuring navigation safety.

Autonomous Driving

Boosting Spectral Clustering on Incomplete Data via Kernel Correction and Affinity Learning

1 code implementation 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023) 2023 Fangchen Yu, Runze Zhao, Zhan Shi, Yiwen Lu, Jicong Fan, Yicheng Zeng, Jianfeng Mao, Wenye Li

Secondly, we develop a series of affinity learning methods that equip the selfexpressive framework with ℓp-norm to construct an intrinsic affinity matrix with an adaptive extension.

Clustering Imputation

Highly-Efficient Robinson-Foulds Distance Estimation with Matrix Correction

2 code implementations 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023 Fangchen Yu, Rui Bao, Jianfeng Mao, Wenye Li

Phylogenetic trees are essential in studying evolutionary relationships, and the Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance is a widely used metric to calculate pairwise dissimilarities between phylogenetic trees, with various applications in both the biology and computing communities.


Online Estimation of Similarity Matrices with Incomplete Data

2 code implementations Thirty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2023 Fangchen Yu, Yicheng Zeng, Jianfeng Mao, Wenye Li

To address this challenge, we propose matrix correction algorithms that leverage the positive semi-definiteness (PSD) of the similarity matrix to improve similarity estimation in both offline and online scenarios.


Metric Nearness Made Practical

1 code implementation The Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023 Wenye Li, Fangchen Yu, Zichen Ma

The first stage computes a fast yet high-quality approximate solution from a set of isometrically embeddable metrics, further improved by an effective heuristic.


S-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Street Views

no code implementations1 Mar 2023 Ziyang Xie, Junge Zhang, Wenye Li, Feihu Zhang, Li Zhang

Specifically, we improve the scene parameterization function and the camera poses for learning better neural representations from street views.

Novel View Synthesis Self-Driving Cars

MoNET: Tackle State Momentum via Noise-Enhanced Training for Dialogue State Tracking

no code implementations10 Nov 2022 Haoning Zhang, Junwei Bao, Haipeng Sun, Youzheng Wu, Wenye Li, Shuguang Cui, Xiaodong He

Then, the noised previous state is used as the input to learn to predict the current state, improving the model's ability to update and correct slot values.

Dialogue State Tracking

CSS: Combining Self-training and Self-supervised Learning for Few-shot Dialogue State Tracking

no code implementations11 Oct 2022 Haoning Zhang, Junwei Bao, Haipeng Sun, Huaishao Luo, Wenye Li, Shuguang Cui

The unlabeled data of the DST task is incorporated into the self-training iterations, where the pseudo labels are predicted by a DST model trained on limited labeled data in advance.

Dialogue State Tracking Machine Reading Comprehension +2

Personalizing or Not: Dynamically Personalized Federated Learning with Incentives

no code implementations12 Aug 2022 Zichen Ma, Yu Lu, Wenye Li, Shuguang Cui

This dynamically personalized FL technique incentivizes clients to participate in personalizing local models while allowing the adoption of the global model when it performs better.

Personalized Federated Learning

POViT: Vision Transformer for Multi-objective Design and Characterization of Nanophotonic Devices

no code implementations17 May 2022 Xinyu Chen, Renjie Li, Yueyao Yu, Yuanwen Shen, Wenye Li, Zhaoyu Zhang, Yin Zhang

In this work, we propose the first-ever Transformer model (POViT) to efficiently design and simulate semiconductor photonic devices with multiple objectives.

Federated Two-stage Learning with Sign-based Voting

no code implementations10 Dec 2021 Zichen Ma, Zihan Lu, Yu Lu, Wenye Li, JinFeng Yi, Shuguang Cui

In this paper, we design a federated two-stage learning framework that augments prototypical federated learning with a cut layer on devices and uses sign-based stochastic gradient descent with the majority vote method on model updates.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Federated Learning +2

Towards Heterogeneous Clients with Elastic Federated Learning

no code implementations17 Jun 2021 Zichen Ma, Yu Lu, Zihan Lu, Wenye Li, JinFeng Yi, Shuguang Cui

Training in heterogeneous and potentially massive networks introduces bias into the system, which is originated from the non-IID data and the low participation rate in reality.

Federated Learning

The simpler the better: vanilla sgd revisited

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Yueyao Yu, Jie Wang, Wenye Li, Yin Zhang

The stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method, first proposed in 1950's, has been the foundation for deep-neural-network (DNN) training with numerous enhancements including adding a momentum or adaptively selecting learning rates, or using both strategies and more.

Image Classification speech-recognition +1

Binary Random Projections with Controllable Sparsity Patterns

no code implementations29 Jun 2020 Wenye Li, Shuzhong Zhang

Random projection is often used to project higher-dimensional vectors onto a lower-dimensional space, while approximately preserving their pairwise distances.

Sparse Lifting of Dense Vectors: Unifying Word and Sentence Representations

no code implementations5 Nov 2019 Wenye Li, Senyue Hao

As the first step in automated natural language processing, representing words and sentences is of central importance and has attracted significant research attention.


An Augmented Transformer Architecture for Natural Language Generation Tasks

no code implementations30 Oct 2019 Hailiang Li, Adele Y. C. Wang, Yang Liu, Du Tang, Zhibin Lei, Wenye Li

The Transformer based neural networks have been showing significant advantages on most evaluations of various natural language processing and other sequence-to-sequence tasks due to its inherent architecture based superiorities.

Part-Of-Speech Tagging POS +3

Modeling Winner-Take-All Competition in Sparse Binary Projections

no code implementations27 Jul 2019 Wenye Li

Inspired by the advances in biological science, the study of sparse binary projection models has attracted considerable recent research attention.

AuxBlocks: Defense Adversarial Example via Auxiliary Blocks

no code implementations18 Feb 2019 Yueyao Yu, Pengfei Yu, Wenye Li

Deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which poses an indisputable threat to their applications.

Fast Similarity Search via Optimal Sparse Lifting

no code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Wenye Li, Jingwei Mao, Yin Zhang, Shuguang Cui

Similarity search is a fundamental problem in computing science with various applications and has attracted significant research attention, especially in large-scale search with high dimensions.

Estimating Jaccard Index with Missing Observations: A Matrix Calibration Approach

no code implementations NeurIPS 2015 Wenye Li

The Jaccard index is a standard statistics for comparing the pairwise similarity between data samples.

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