Search Results for author: Wenyi Yang

Found 1 papers, 0 papers with code

CMMD: Cross-Metric Multi-Dimensional Root Cause Analysis

no code implementations30 Mar 2022 Shifu Yan, Caihua Shan, Wenyi Yang, Bixiong Xu, Dongsheng Li, Lili Qiu, Jie Tong, Qi Zhang

To this end, we propose a cross-metric multi-dimensional root cause analysis method, named CMMD, which consists of two key components: 1) relationship modeling, which utilizes graph neural network (GNN) to model the unknown complex calculation among metrics and aggregation function among dimensions from historical data; 2) root cause localization, which adopts the genetic algorithm to efficiently and effectively dive into the raw data and localize the abnormal dimension(s) once the KPI anomalies are detected.

Graph Neural Network

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