Search Results for author: Wilfried Philips

Found 12 papers, 2 papers with code

Degradation-Noise-Aware Deep Unfolding Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Denoising

no code implementations6 May 2023 Haijin Zeng, JieZhang Cao, Kai Feng, Shaoguang Huang, Hongyan zhang, Hiep Luong, Wilfried Philips

However, model-based approaches rely on hand-crafted priors and hyperparameters, while learning-based methods are incapable of estimating the inherent degradation patterns and noise distributions in the imaging procedure, which could inform supervised learning.

Hyperspectral Image Denoising Image Denoising +1

MSFA-Frequency-Aware Transformer for Hyperspectral Images Demosaicing

no code implementations23 Mar 2023 Haijin Zeng, Kai Feng, Shaoguang Huang, JieZhang Cao, Yongyong Chen, Hongyan zhang, Hiep Luong, Wilfried Philips

The advantage of Maformer is that it can leverage the MSFA information and non-local dependencies present in the data.


Inheriting Bayer's Legacy-Joint Remosaicing and Denoising for Quad Bayer Image Sensor

no code implementations23 Mar 2023 Haijin Zeng, Kai Feng, JieZhang Cao, Shaoguang Huang, Yongqiang Zhao, Hiep Luong, Jan Aelterman, Wilfried Philips

DJRD includes a newly designed Quad Bayer remosaicing (QB-Re) block, integrated denoising modules based on Swin-transformer and multi-scale wavelet transform.


Low-rank Meets Sparseness: An Integrated Spatial-Spectral Total Variation Approach to Hyperspectral Denoising

no code implementations27 Apr 2022 Haijin Zeng, Shaoguang Huang, Yongyong Chen, Hiep Luong, Wilfried Philips

Based on this fact, we propose a novel TV regularization to simultaneously characterize the sparsity and low-rank priors of the gradient map (LRSTV).


Gradient Variance Loss for Structure-Enhanced Image Super-Resolution

1 code implementation2 Feb 2022 Lusine Abrahamyan, Anh Minh Truong, Wilfried Philips, Nikos Deligiannis

Further, we minimize the distance between the computed variance maps to enforce the model to produce high variance gradient maps that will lead to the generation of high-resolution images with sharper edges.

Image Super-Resolution SSIM

Resolution based Feature Distillation for Cross Resolution Person Re-Identification

no code implementations16 Sep 2021 Asad Munir, Chengjin Lyu, Bart Goossens, Wilfried Philips, Christian Micheloni

Most of the existing approaches resolve the re-id task as low resolution problem in which a low resolution query image is searched in a high resolution images gallery.

Image Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification

Matrix Completion With Variational Graph Autoencoders: Application in Hyperlocal Air Quality Inference

no code implementations5 Nov 2018 Tien Huu Do, Duc Minh Nguyen, Evaggelia Tsiligianni, Angel Lopez Aguirre, Valerio Panzica La Manna, Frank Pasveer, Wilfried Philips, Nikos Deligiannis

Existing inference methods typically use low spatial resolution data collected by fixed monitoring stations and infer the concentration of air pollutants using additional types of data, e. g., meteorological and traffic information.

Air Quality Inference Matrix Completion

Domain Adaptive Segmentation in Volume Electron Microscopy Imaging

1 code implementation23 Oct 2018 Joris Roels, Julian Hennies, Yvan Saeys, Wilfried Philips, Anna Kreshuk

In this work, we extend recently proposed classification DA techniques to an encoder-decoder layout and propose a novel method that adds a reconstruction decoder to the classical encoder-decoder segmentation in order to align source and target encoder features.

Classification Decoder +3

Point Triangulation Through Polyhedron Collapse Using the l[?] Norm

no code implementations ICCV 2015 Simon Donne, Bart Goossens, Wilfried Philips

Multi-camera triangulation of feature points based on a minimisation of the overall L2 reprojection error can get stuck in suboptimal local minima or require slow global optimisation.

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