Search Results for author: Wilker Aziz

Found 46 papers, 23 papers with code

GoURMET – Machine Translation for Low-Resourced Languages

no code implementations EAMT 2022 Peggy van der Kreeft, Alexandra Birch, Sevi Sariisik, Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Wilker Aziz

The GoURMET project, funded by the European Commission’s H2020 program (under grant agreement 825299), develops models for machine translation, in particular for low-resourced languages.

Machine Translation Translation

Explanation Regularisation through the Lens of Attributions

1 code implementation23 Jul 2024 Pedro Ferreira, Wilker Aziz, Ivan Titov

Explanation regularisation (ER) has been introduced as a way to guide models to make their predictions in a manner more akin to humans, i. e., making their attributions "plausible".

Predict the Next Word: Humans exhibit uncertainty in this task and language models _____

1 code implementation27 Feb 2024 Evgenia Ilia, Wilker Aziz

This can be seen as assessing a form of calibration, which, in the context of text classification, Baan et al. (2022) termed calibration to human uncertainty.

text-classification Text Classification

Interpreting Predictive Probabilities: Model Confidence or Human Label Variation?

no code implementations25 Feb 2024 Joris Baan, Raquel Fernández, Barbara Plank, Wilker Aziz

With the rise of increasingly powerful and user-facing NLP systems, there is growing interest in assessing whether they have a good representation of uncertainty by evaluating the quality of their predictive distribution over outcomes.


Uncertainty in Natural Language Generation: From Theory to Applications

no code implementations28 Jul 2023 Joris Baan, Nico Daheim, Evgenia Ilia, Dennis Ulmer, Haau-Sing Li, Raquel Fernández, Barbara Plank, Rico Sennrich, Chrysoula Zerva, Wilker Aziz

Recent advances of powerful Language Models have allowed Natural Language Generation (NLG) to emerge as an important technology that can not only perform traditional tasks like summarisation or translation, but also serve as a natural language interface to a variety of applications.

Active Learning Text Generation

What Comes Next? Evaluating Uncertainty in Neural Text Generators Against Human Production Variability

1 code implementation19 May 2023 Mario Giulianelli, Joris Baan, Wilker Aziz, Raquel Fernández, Barbara Plank

In Natural Language Generation (NLG) tasks, for any input, multiple communicative goals are plausible, and any goal can be put into words, or produced, in multiple ways.

Text Generation

VISION DIFFMASK: Faithful Interpretation of Vision Transformers with Differentiable Patch Masking

1 code implementation13 Apr 2023 Angelos Nalmpantis, Apostolos Panagiotopoulos, John Gkountouras, Konstantinos Papakostas, Wilker Aziz

The lack of interpretability of the Vision Transformer may hinder its use in critical real-world applications despite its effectiveness.

Stop Measuring Calibration When Humans Disagree

1 code implementation28 Oct 2022 Joris Baan, Wilker Aziz, Barbara Plank, Raquel Fernández

Calibration is a popular framework to evaluate whether a classifier knows when it does not know - i. e., its predictive probabilities are a good indication of how likely a prediction is to be correct.

Statistical Model Criticism of Variational Auto-Encoders

no code implementations6 Apr 2022 Claartje Barkhof, Wilker Aziz

We propose a framework for the statistical evaluation of variational auto-encoders (VAEs) and test two instances of this framework in the context of modelling images of handwritten digits and a corpus of English text.

Model Selection

Highly Parallel Autoregressive Entity Linking with Discriminative Correction

1 code implementation EMNLP 2021 Nicola De Cao, Wilker Aziz, Ivan Titov

Generative approaches have been recently shown to be effective for both Entity Disambiguation and Entity Linking (i. e., joint mention detection and disambiguation).

Decoder Entity Disambiguation +1

Sampling-Based Approximations to Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding for Neural Machine Translation

1 code implementation10 Aug 2021 Bryan Eikema, Wilker Aziz

The mode and other high-probability translations found by beam search have been shown to often be inadequate in a number of ways.

Machine Translation NMT +1

Sparse Communication via Mixed Distributions

1 code implementation ICLR 2022 António Farinhas, Wilker Aziz, Vlad Niculae, André F. T. Martins

Neural networks and other machine learning models compute continuous representations, while humans communicate mostly through discrete symbols.

Editing Factual Knowledge in Language Models

3 code implementations EMNLP 2021 Nicola De Cao, Wilker Aziz, Ivan Titov

We present KnowledgeEditor, a method which can be used to edit this knowledge and, thus, fix 'bugs' or unexpected predictions without the need for expensive re-training or fine-tuning.

Fact Checking Meta-Learning +1

Disease Normalization with Graph Embeddings

1 code implementation24 Oct 2020 Dhruba Pujary, Camilo Thorne, Wilker Aziz

The detection and normalization of diseases in biomedical texts are key biomedical natural language processing tasks.

Entity Linking named-entity-recognition +2

Efficient Marginalization of Discrete and Structured Latent Variables via Sparsity

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Gonçalo M. Correia, Vlad Niculae, Wilker Aziz, André F. T. Martins

In this paper, we propose a new training strategy which replaces these estimators by an exact yet efficient marginalization.

Latent Transformations for Discrete-Data Normalising Flows

no code implementations11 Jun 2020 Rob Hesselink, Wilker Aziz

Normalising flows (NFs) for discrete data are challenging because parameterising bijective transformations of discrete variables requires predicting discrete/integer parameters.

Normalising Flows

The Power Spherical distribution

2 code implementations8 Jun 2020 Nicola De Cao, Wilker Aziz

We propose a novel distribution, the Power Spherical distribution, which retains some of the important aspects of the vMF (e. g., support on the hyper-sphere, symmetry about its mean direction parameter, known KL from other vMF distributions) while addressing its main drawbacks (i. e., scalability and numerical stability).

Is MAP Decoding All You Need? The Inadequacy of the Mode in Neural Machine Translation

no code implementations COLING 2020 Bryan Eikema, Wilker Aziz

We argue that the evidence corroborates the inadequacy of MAP decoding more than casts doubt on the model and its training algorithm.

Machine Translation NMT +1

A Latent Morphology Model for Open-Vocabulary Neural Machine Translation

1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Duygu Ataman, Wilker Aziz, Alexandra Birch

Translation into morphologically-rich languages challenges neural machine translation (NMT) models with extremely sparse vocabularies where atomic treatment of surface forms is unrealistic.

Machine Translation Morphological Inflection +2

Interpretable Neural Predictions with Differentiable Binary Variables

1 code implementation ACL 2019 Jasmijn Bastings, Wilker Aziz, Ivan Titov

The success of neural networks comes hand in hand with a desire for more interpretability.

Effective Estimation of Deep Generative Language Models

1 code implementation ACL 2020 Tom Pelsmaeker, Wilker Aziz

We concentrate on one such model, the variational auto-encoder, which we argue is an important building block in hierarchical probabilistic models of language.

Bayesian Optimisation Language Modelling +1

Block Neural Autoregressive Flow

4 code implementations9 Apr 2019 Nicola De Cao, Ivan Titov, Wilker Aziz

Recently, as an alternative to hand-crafted bijections, Huang et al. (2018) proposed neural autoregressive flow (NAF) which is a universal approximator for density functions.

Density Estimation Normalising Flows

Modeling Latent Sentence Structure in Neural Machine Translation

no code implementations18 Jan 2019 Jasmijn Bastings, Wilker Aziz, Ivan Titov, Khalil Sima'an

Recently it was shown that linguistic structure predicted by a supervised parser can be beneficial for neural machine translation (NMT).

Decoder Machine Translation +3

Latent Variable Model for Multi-modal Translation

1 code implementation ACL 2019 Iacer Calixto, Miguel Rios, Wilker Aziz

In this work, we propose to model the interaction between visual and textual features for multi-modal neural machine translation (MMT) through a latent variable model.

Decoder Multimodal Machine Translation +2

Question Answering by Reasoning Across Documents with Graph Convolutional Networks

1 code implementation NAACL 2019 Nicola De Cao, Wilker Aziz, Ivan Titov

Most research in reading comprehension has focused on answering questions based on individual documents or even single paragraphs.

Question Answering Reading Comprehension

Variational Inference and Deep Generative Models

no code implementations ACL 2018 Wilker Aziz, Philip Schulz

Using DGMs one can easily design latent variable models that account for missing observations and thereby enable unsupervised and semi-supervised learning with neural networks.

Machine Translation Natural Language Inference +1

A Stochastic Decoder for Neural Machine Translation

1 code implementation ACL 2018 Philip Schulz, Wilker Aziz, Trevor Cohn

The process of translation is ambiguous, in that there are typically many valid trans- lations for a given sentence.

Decoder Machine Translation +4

Deep Generative Model for Joint Alignment and Word Representation

1 code implementation NAACL 2018 Miguel Rios, Wilker Aziz, Khalil Sima'an

This work exploits translation data as a source of semantically relevant learning signal for models of word representation.

Natural Language Inference text similarity +1

Graph Convolutional Encoders for Syntax-aware Neural Machine Translation

no code implementations EMNLP 2017 Jasmijn Bastings, Ivan Titov, Wilker Aziz, Diego Marcheggiani, Khalil Sima'an

We present a simple and effective approach to incorporating syntactic structure into neural attention-based encoder-decoder models for machine translation.

Decoder Machine Translation +1

Fast Collocation-Based Bayesian HMM Word Alignment

no code implementations COLING 2016 Philip Schulz, Wilker Aziz

In order to make our model useful in practice, we devise an auxiliary variable Gibbs sampler that allows us to resample alignment links in constant time independently of the target sentence length.

Language Modelling Machine Translation +3

Cohere: A Toolkit for Local Coherence

1 code implementation LREC 2016 Karin Sim Smith, Wilker Aziz, Lucia Specia

We describe COHERE, our coherence toolkit which incorporates various complementary models for capturing and measuring different aspects of text coherence.

The USFD Spoken Language Translation System for IWSLT 2014

no code implementations13 Sep 2015 Raymond W. M. Ng, Mortaza Doulaty, Rama Doddipatla, Wilker Aziz, Kashif Shah, Oscar Saz, Madina Hasan, Ghada Alharbi, Lucia Specia, Thomas Hain

The USFD primary system incorporates state-of-the-art ASR and MT techniques and gives a BLEU score of 23. 45 and 14. 75 on the English-to-French and English-to-German speech-to-text translation task with the IWSLT 2014 data.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +4

PET: a Tool for Post-editing and Assessing Machine Translation

no code implementations LREC 2012 Wilker Aziz, Sheila Castilho, Lucia Specia

Given the significant improvements in Machine Translation (MT) quality and the increasing demand for translations, post-editing of automatic translations is becoming a popular practice in the translation industry.

Machine Translation Sentence +1

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