no code implementations • Nature Methods 2017 • Michał Januszewski, Jörgen Kornfeld, Peter H. Li, Art Pope, Tim Blakely, Larry Lindsey, Jeremy Maitin-Shepard, Mike Tyka, Winfried Denk, Viren Jain
Reconstruction of neural circuits from volume electron microscopy data requires the tracing of complete cells including all their neurites.
Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation Image Reconstruction +1
3 code implementations • 1 Nov 2016 • Michał Januszewski, Jeremy Maitin-Shepard, Peter Li, Jörgen Kornfeld, Winfried Denk, Viren Jain
State-of-the-art image segmentation algorithms generally consist of at least two successive and distinct computations: a boundary detection process that uses local image information to classify image locations as boundaries between objects, followed by a pixel grouping step such as watershed or connected components that clusters pixels into segments.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2011 • Viren Jain, Srinivas C. Turaga, K Briggman, Moritz N. Helmstaedter, Winfried Denk, H. S. Seung
An agglomerative clustering algorithm merges the most similar pair of clusters at every iteration.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2009 • Kevin Briggman, Winfried Denk, Sebastian Seung, Moritz N. Helmstaedter, Srinivas C. Turaga
We present the first machine learning algorithm for training a classifier to produce affinity graphs that are good in the sense of producing segmentations that directly minimize the Rand index, a well known segmentation performance measure.