1 code implementation • EMNLP (WNUT) 2021 • Rob van der Goot, Alan Ramponi, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Barbara Plank, Benjamin Muller, Iñaki San Vicente Roncal, Nikola Ljubešić, Özlem Çetinoğlu, Rahmad Mahendra, Talha Çolakoğlu, Timothy Baldwin, Tommaso Caselli, Wladimir Sidorenko
This task is beneficial for downstream analysis, as it provides a way to harmonize (often spontaneous) linguistic variation.
no code implementations • 29 Nov 2019 • Wladimir Sidorenko
When dealing with message-level polarity classification, I juxtapose three major sentiment paradigms: lexicon-, machine-learning-, and deep-learning-based systems, and try to unite the first and last of these groups by introducing a bidirectional neural network with lexicon-based attention.