Search Results for author: Wojciech Romaszkan

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Cost-Driven Hardware-Software Co-Optimization of Machine Learning Pipelines

no code implementations11 Oct 2023 Ravit Sharma, Wojciech Romaszkan, Feiqian Zhu, Puneet Gupta, Ankur Mehta

We perform this hardware/software co-design from the cost, latency, and user-experience perspective, and develop a set of guidelines for optimal system design and model deployment for the most cost-constrained platforms.


SWIS -- Shared Weight bIt Sparsity for Efficient Neural Network Acceleration

no code implementations1 Mar 2021 Shurui Li, Wojciech Romaszkan, Alexander Graening, Puneet Gupta

Quantization is spearheading the increase in performance and efficiency of neural network computing systems making headway into commodity hardware.

Efficient Neural Network Quantization +1

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