Search Results for author: Wonhyeok Choi

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Multi-task Learning for Real-time Autonomous Driving Leveraging Task-adaptive Attention Generator

no code implementations6 Mar 2024 Wonhyeok Choi, Mingyu Shin, Hyukzae Lee, Jaehoon Cho, Jaehyeon Park, Sunghoon Im

Real-time processing is crucial in autonomous driving systems due to the imperative of instantaneous decision-making and rapid response.

Autonomous Driving Decision Making +5

Depth-discriminative Metric Learning for Monocular 3D Object Detection

no code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Wonhyeok Choi, Mingyu Shin, Sunghoon Im

Moreover, we introduce an auxiliary head for object-wise depth estimation, which enhances depth quality while maintaining the inference time.

Depth Estimation Metric Learning +3

Dynamic Neural Network for Multi-Task Learning Searching across Diverse Network Topologies

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Wonhyeok Choi, Sunghoon Im

In this paper, we present a new MTL framework that searches for structures optimized for multiple tasks with diverse graph topologies and shares features among tasks.

Multi-Task Learning

ADAS: A Direct Adaptation Strategy for Multi-Target Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Seunghun Lee, Wonhyeok Choi, Changjae Kim, Minwoo Choi, Sunghoon Im

In this paper, we present a direct adaptation strategy (ADAS), which aims to directly adapt a single model to multiple target domains in a semantic segmentation task without pretrained domain-specific models.

Attribute Domain Adaptation +2

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