Search Results for author: Wonil Song

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Local-Guided Global: Paired Similarity Representation for Visual Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Hyesong Choi, Hunsang Lee, Wonil Song, Sangryul Jeon, Kwanghoon Sohn, Dongbo Min

Recent vision-based reinforcement learning (RL) methods have found extracting high-level features from raw pixels with self-supervised learning to be effective in learning policies.

Atari Games reinforcement-learning +4

Wide and Narrow: Video Prediction from Context and Motion

no code implementations22 Oct 2021 Jaehoon Cho, Jiyoung Lee, Changjae Oh, Wonil Song, Kwanghoon Sohn

Video prediction, forecasting the future frames from a sequence of input frames, is a challenging task since the view changes are influenced by various factors, such as the global context surrounding the scene and local motion dynamics.

Video Prediction

Self-Supervised Structured Representations for Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Hyesong Choi, Hunsang Lee, Wonil Song, Sangryul Jeon, Kwanghoon Sohn, Dongbo Min

The proposed method imposes similarity constraints on the three latent volumes; warped query representations by estimated flows, predicted target representations from the transition model, and target representations of future state.

Atari Games Deep Reinforcement Learning +4

Weakly-Supervised Learning of Disentangled and Interpretable Skills for Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Wonil Song, Sangryul Jeon, Hyesong Choi, Kwanghoon Sohn, Dongbo Min

Given the latent representations as skills, a skill-based policy network is trained to generate similar trajectories to the learned decoder of the trajectory VAE.

Decoder Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning +4

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