Search Results for author: Wujun Wen

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

End-to-End Streaming Video Temporal Action Segmentation with Reinforce Learning

1 code implementation27 Sep 2023 Jinrong Zhang, Wujun Wen, Shenglan Liu, Yunheng Li, QiFeng Li, Lin Feng

The streaming temporal action segmentation (STAS) task, a supplementary task of temporal action segmentation (TAS), has not received adequate attention in the field of video understanding.

Action Recognition Action Segmentation +3

Streaming Video Temporal Action Segmentation In Real Time

1 code implementation28 Sep 2022 Wujun Wen, Yunheng Li, Zhuben Dong, Lin Feng, Wanxiao Yang, Shenlan Liu

As the real-time action segmentation task is different from TAS task, we define it as streaming video real-time temporal action segmentation (SVTAS) task.

Action Segmentation Language Modelling +2

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