Search Results for author: X. San Liang

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Quantitative causality, causality-guided scientific discovery, and causal machine learning

no code implementations20 Feb 2024 X. San Liang, Dake Chen, Renhe Zhang

It has been said, arguably, that causality analysis should pave a promising way to interpretable deep learning and generalization.

scientific discovery

The causal interaction between the subnetworks of a complex network

no code implementations28 Dec 2021 X. San Liang

This study extends our previous rigorous formalism of componentwise information flow to the bulk information flow between two complex subsystems of a large-dimensional parental system, in order to investigate problems such as the effective connectivity between two brain regions, each with millions of neurons involved.

Normalized multivariate time series causality analysis and causal graph reconstruction

no code implementations23 Apr 2021 X. San Liang

While it seems to be a huge challenge to reconstruct from given series these causal graphs, an easy application of the algorithm immediately reveals the desideratum.

Causal Inference Graph Reconstruction +2

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