Search Results for author: Xia Zhang

Found 9 papers, 3 papers with code

Guiding Neural Entity Alignment with Compatibility

1 code implementation29 Nov 2022 Bing Liu, Harrisen Scells, Wen Hua, Guido Zuccon, Genghong Zhao, Xia Zhang

Making compatible predictions thus should be one of the goals of training an EA model along with fitting the labelled data: this aspect however is neglected in current methods.

Entity Alignment Knowledge Graphs

Streaming Parrotron for on-device speech-to-speech conversion

no code implementations25 Oct 2022 Oleg Rybakov, Fadi Biadsy, Xia Zhang, Liyang Jiang, Phoenix Meadowlark, Shivani Agrawal

We present a streaming-based approach to produce an acceptable delay, with minimal loss in speech conversion quality, when compared to a reference state of the art non-streaming approach.

Decoder Quantization +1

High-quality Task Division for Large-scale Entity Alignment

1 code implementation22 Aug 2022 Bing Liu, Wen Hua, Guido Zuccon, Genghong Zhao, Xia Zhang

To include in the EA subtasks a high proportion of the potential mappings originally present in the large EA task, we devise a counterpart discovery method that exploits the locality principle of the EA task and the power of trained EA models.

Entity Alignment Informativeness +1

A Scalable Model Specialization Framework for Training and Inference using Submodels and its Application to Speech Model Personalization

no code implementations23 Mar 2022 Fadi Biadsy, Youzheng Chen, Xia Zhang, Oleg Rybakov, Andrew Rosenberg, Pedro J. Moreno

We also show that learning a speaker-embedding space can scale further and reduce the amount of personalization training data required per speaker.


Real time spectrogram inversion on mobile phone

1 code implementation1 Mar 2022 Oleg Rybakov, Marco Tagliasacchi, Yunpeng Li, Liyang Jiang, Xia Zhang, Fadi Biadsy

We present two methods of real time magnitude spectrogram inversion: streaming Griffin Lim(GL) and streaming MelGAN.

Wide-Angle Invisible Dielectric Metasurface Driven by Transverse Kerker Scattering

no code implementations13 Jan 2021 Xia Zhang, A Louise Bradley

Here a route to realize transverse Kerker scattering through employing only the interference between the electric dipole and magnetic quadrupole is demonstrated.


Constructive and Destructive Interference of Kerker-type Scattering in an Ultra-thin Silicon Huygens Metasurface

no code implementations22 Dec 2020 Xia Zhang, Jing Li, John F. Donegan, A. Louise Bradley

These modes are provided by a designed and fabricated CMOS compatible ultra-thin Silicon nanodisk metasurface with a suppressed magnetic dipole contribution, and verified through multipole decomposition.

Optics Classical Physics

Existence of an equilibrium for pure exchange economy with fuzzy preferences

no code implementations19 Mar 2020 Xia Zhang, Hao Sun, Xuanzhu Jin, Moses Olabhele Esangbedo

We set up a new fuzzy binary relation on the consumption set to evaluate the fuzzy preferences.

Computer Science and Game Theory

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