Search Results for author: Xianfeng GU

Found 28 papers, 5 papers with code

Modeling the Space of Point Landmark Constrained Diffeomorphisms

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Chengfeng Wen, Yang Guo, Xianfeng Gu

Based on Teichm\""uller theory, this mapping space is generated by the Beltrami coefficients, which are infinitesimally Teichm\""uller equivalent to $0$.

HOTS3D: Hyper-Spherical Optimal Transport for Semantic Alignment of Text-to-3D Generation

no code implementations19 Jul 2024 Zezeng Li, Weimin WANG, WenHai Li, Na lei, Xianfeng GU

Recent CLIP-guided 3D generation methods have achieved promising results but struggle with generating faithful 3D shapes that conform with input text due to the gap between text and image embeddings.

3D Generation 3D Shape Generation +2

Global Parameterization-based Texture Space Optimization

no code implementations6 Jun 2024 Wei Chen, Yuxue Ren, Na lei, Zhongxuan Luo, Xianfeng GU

Experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed method and the potency in improving the storage and rendering efficiency.

Backdoor Attack with Mode Mixture Latent Modification

no code implementations12 Mar 2024 Hongwei Zhang, Xiaoyin Xu, Dongsheng An, Xianfeng GU, Min Zhang

Backdoor attacks become a significant security concern for deep neural networks in recent years.

Backdoor Attack Image Classification

DPM-OT: A New Diffusion Probabilistic Model Based on Optimal Transport

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Zezeng Li, Shenghao Li, Zhanpeng Wang, Na lei, Zhongxuan Luo, Xianfeng GU

Sampling from diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) can be viewed as a piecewise distribution transformation, which generally requires hundreds or thousands of steps of the inverse diffusion trajectory to get a high-quality image.

Denoising Knowledge Distillation

What's the Situation with Intelligent Mesh Generation: A Survey and Perspectives

1 code implementation11 Nov 2022 Na lei, Zezeng Li, Zebin Xu, Ying Li, Xianfeng GU

This paper also underscores several promising future research directions and challenges in IMG.

Efficient Optimal Transport Algorithm by Accelerated Gradient descent

no code implementations12 Apr 2021 Dongsheng An, Na lei, Xianfeng GU

Basically, the non-smooth c-transform of the Kantorovich potential is approximated by the smooth Log-Sum-Exp function, which finally smooths the original non-smooth Kantorovich dual functional (energy).

FFT-OT: A Fast Algorithm for Optimal Transportation

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Na lei, Xianfeng GU

First, solving Monge-Ampere equation is converted to a fixed point problem; Second, the obliqueness property of optimal transportation maps are reformulated as Neumann boundary conditions on rectangular domains; Third, FFT is applied in each iteration to solve a Poisson equation in order to improve the efficiency.

Cortical Surface Shape Analysis Based on Alexandrov Polyhedra

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Min Zhang, Yang Guo, Na lei, Zhou Zhao, Jianfeng Wu, Xiaoyin Xu, Yalin Wang, Xianfeng GU

Shape analysis has been playing an important role in early diagnosis and prognosis of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's diseases (AD).


1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Dongsheng An, Yang Guo, Na lei, Zhongxuan Luo, Shing-Tung Yau, Xianfeng GU

In order to tackle the both problems, we explicitly separate the manifold embedding and the optimal transportation; the first part is carried out using an autoencoder to map the images onto the latent space; the second part is accomplished using a GPU-based convex optimization to find the discontinuous transportation maps.


AE-OT-GAN: Training GANs from data specific latent distribution

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Dongsheng An, Yang Guo, Min Zhang, Xin Qi, Na lei, Shing-Tung Yau, Xianfeng GU

Though generative adversarial networks (GANs) areprominent models to generate realistic and crisp images, they often encounter the mode collapse problems and arehard to train, which comes from approximating the intrinsicdiscontinuous distribution transform map with continuousDNNs.

Mode Collapse and Regularity of Optimal Transportation Maps

no code implementations8 Feb 2019 Na lei, Yang Guo, Dongsheng An, Xin Qi, Zhongxuan Luo, Shing-Tung Yau, Xianfeng GU

This work builds the connection between the regularity theory of optimal transportation map, Monge-Amp\`{e}re equation and GANs, which gives a theoretic understanding of the major drawbacks of GANs: convergence difficulty and mode collapse.

Corresponding Supine and Prone Colon Visualization Using Eigenfunction Analysis and Fold Modeling

no code implementations20 Oct 2018 Saad Nadeem, Joseph Marino, Xianfeng GU, Arie Kaufman

The use of Fiedler vectors and the segmented folds presents a precise way of visualizing corresponding regions across datasets and visual modalities.

LMap: Shape-Preserving Local Mappings for Biomedical Visualization

no code implementations17 Sep 2018 Saad Nadeem, Xianfeng GU, Arie Kaufman

In this paper, we present a shape-preserving local mapping technique for resolving occlusions locally while preserving the overall geometric context.

Latent Space Optimal Transport for Generative Models

no code implementations16 Sep 2018 Huidong Liu, Yang Guo, Na lei, Zhixin Shu, Shing-Tung Yau, Dimitris Samaras, Xianfeng GU

Experimental results on an eight-Gaussian dataset show that the proposed OT can handle multi-cluster distributions.

A Two-Step Computation of the Exact GAN Wasserstein Distance

no code implementations ICML 2018 Huidong Liu, Xianfeng GU, Dimitris Samaras

In this paper, we propose a two-step method to compute the Wasserstein distance in Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (WGANs): 1) The convex part of our objective can be solved by linear programming; 2) The non-convex residual can be approximated by a deep neural network.

Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

Classification of lung nodules in CT images based on Wasserstein distance in differential geometry

no code implementations30 Jun 2018 Min Zhang, Qianli Ma, Chengfeng Wen, Hai Chen, Deruo Liu, Xianfeng GU, Jie He, Xiaoyin Xu

The Wasserstein distance between the nodules is calculated based on our new spherical optimal mass transport, this new algorithm works directly on sphere by using spherical metric, which is much more accurate and efficient than previous methods.

Computed Tomography (CT) General Classification +2

Brenier approach for optimal transportation between a quasi-discrete measure and a discrete measure

no code implementations17 Jan 2018 Ying Lu, Liming Chen, Alexandre Saidi, Xianfeng GU

Correctly estimating the discrepancy between two data distributions has always been an important task in Machine Learning.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Intrinsic 3D Dynamic Surface Tracking Based on Dynamic Ricci Flow and Teichmuller Map

no code implementations ICCV 2017 Xiaokang Yu, Na lei, Yalin Wang, Xianfeng GU

In this paper, we propose a novel automatic method for non-rigid 3D dynamic surface tracking with surface Ricci flow and Teichmuller map methods.

Surface Registration via Foliation

no code implementations ICCV 2017 Xiaopeng Zheng, Chengfeng Wen, Na lei, Ming Ma, Xianfeng GU

This work introduces a novel surface registration method based on foliation.

Surface Registration by Optimization in Constrained Diffeomorphism Space

no code implementations CVPR 2014 Wei Zeng, Lok Ming Lui, Xianfeng GU

The physically plausible constraints, in terms of feature landmarks and deformation types, define subspaces in the Beltrami coefficient space.

Area Preserving Brain Mapping

no code implementations CVPR 2013 Zhengyu Su, Wei Zeng, Rui Shi, Yalin Wang, Jian Sun, Xianfeng GU

Experimental results on caudate nucleus surface mapping and cortical surface mapping demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed method.

Hyperbolic Harmonic Mapping for Constrained Brain Surface Registration

no code implementations CVPR 2013 Rui Shi, Wei Zeng, Zhengyu Su, Hanna Damasio, Zhonglin Lu, Yalin Wang, Shing-Tung Yau, Xianfeng GU

This work conquer this problem by changing the Riemannian metric on the target surface to a hyperbolic metric, so that the harmonic mapping is guaranteed to be a diffeomorphism under landmark constraints.

Variational Principles for Minkowski Type Problems, Discrete Optimal Transport, and Discrete Monge-Ampere Equations

1 code implementation22 Feb 2013 Xianfeng Gu, Feng Luo, Jian Sun, S. -T. Yau

In this paper, we develop several related finite dimensional variational principles for discrete optimal transport (DOT), Minkowski type problems for convex polytopes and discrete Monge-Ampere equation (DMAE).

Geometric Topology Differential Geometry Metric Geometry 52-XX I.3.5

Kernel Estimation from Salient Structure for Robust Motion Deblurring

no code implementations5 Dec 2012 Jinshan Pan, Risheng Liu, Zhixun Su, Xianfeng GU

One effective way to eliminate these details is to apply image denoising model based on the Total Variation (TV).

Blind Image Deblurring Image Deblurring +2

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