Search Results for author: Xianfeng Jiao

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Truth Forest: Toward Multi-Scale Truthfulness in Large Language Models through Intervention without Tuning

1 code implementation29 Dec 2023 Zhongzhi Chen, Xingwu Sun, Xianfeng Jiao, Fengzong Lian, Zhanhui Kang, Di Wang, Cheng-Zhong Xu

We introduce Truth Forest, a method that enhances truthfulness in LLMs by uncovering hidden truth representations using multi-dimensional orthogonal probes.


Microstructure-Empowered Stock Factor Extraction and Utilization

no code implementations16 Aug 2023 Xianfeng Jiao, Zizhong Li, Chang Xu, Yang Liu, Weiqing Liu, Jiang Bian

To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework that aims to effectively extract essential factors from order flow data for diverse downstream tasks across different granularities and scenarios.

Stock Trend Prediction

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