Search Results for author: Xianrui Luo

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Dynamic Neural Radiance Field From Defocused Monocular Video

no code implementations8 Jul 2024 Xianrui Luo, Huiqiang Sun, Juewen Peng, Zhiguo Cao

We introduce layered Depth-of-Field (DoF) volume rendering to model the defocus blur and reconstruct a sharp NeRF supervised by defocused views.

Dynamic Reconstruction Novel View Synthesis

Defocus to focus: Photo-realistic bokeh rendering by fusing defocus and radiance priors

no code implementations7 Jun 2023 Xianrui Luo, Juewen Peng, Ke Xian, Zijin Wu, Zhiguo Cao

To this end, we present a Defocus to Focus (D2F) framework to learn realistic bokeh rendering by fusing defocus priors with the all-in-focus image and by implementing radiance priors in layered fusion.


Point-and-Shoot All-in-Focus Photo Synthesis from Smartphone Camera Pair

no code implementations11 Apr 2023 Xianrui Luo, Juewen Peng, Weiyue Zhao, Ke Xian, Hao Lu, Zhiguo Cao

Benefiting from the multi-camera module in modern smartphones, we introduce a new task of AIF synthesis from main (wide) and ultra-wide cameras.

MPIB: An MPI-Based Bokeh Rendering Framework for Realistic Partial Occlusion Effects

1 code implementation18 Jul 2022 Juewen Peng, Jianming Zhang, Xianrui Luo, Hao Lu, Ke Xian, Zhiguo Cao

Partial occlusion effects are a phenomenon that blurry objects near a camera are semi-transparent, resulting in partial appearance of occluded background.

BokehMe: When Neural Rendering Meets Classical Rendering

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Juewen Peng, Zhiguo Cao, Xianrui Luo, Hao Lu, Ke Xian, Jianming Zhang

Based on this formulation, we implement the classical renderer by a scattering-based method and propose a two-stage neural renderer to fix the erroneous areas from the classical renderer.

Neural Rendering

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