Search Results for author: Xiao-Han Wang

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Persistent Ballistic Entanglement Spreading with Optimal Control in Quantum Spin Chains

no code implementations21 Jul 2023 Ying Lu, Pei Shi, Xiao-Han Wang, Jie Hu, Shi-Ju Ran

Entanglement propagation provides a key routine to understand quantum many-body dynamics in and out of equilibrium.

Deep Machine Learning Reconstructing Lattice Topology with Strong Thermal Fluctuations

no code implementations8 Aug 2022 Xiao-Han Wang, Pei Shi, Bin Xi, Jie Hu, Shi-Ju Ran

In this work, we demonstrate the validity of the deep convolutional neural network (CNN) on reconstructing the lattice topology (i. e., spin connectivities) in the presence of strong thermal fluctuations and unbalanced data.

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