Search Results for author: Xiaobo Lu

Found 21 papers, 6 papers with code

Multi-object Tracking by Detection and Query: an efficient end-to-end manner

no code implementations9 Nov 2024 Shukun Jia, Yichao Cao, Feng Yang, Xin Lu, Xiaobo Lu

Multi-object tracking is advancing through two dominant paradigms: traditional tracking by detection and newly emerging tracking by query.

Multi-Object Tracking

PillarHist: A Quantization-aware Pillar Feature Encoder based on Height-aware Histogram

no code implementations29 May 2024 Sifan Zhou, Zhihang Yuan, Dawei Yang, Xubin Wen, Xing Hu, Yuguang Shi, Ziyu Zhao, Xiaobo Lu

To address above issue, we first unveil the importance of different input information during PFE and identify the height dimension as a key factor in enhancing 3D detection performance.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +2

LiDAR-PTQ: Post-Training Quantization for Point Cloud 3D Object Detection

1 code implementation29 Jan 2024 Sifan Zhou, Liang Li, Xinyu Zhang, Bo Zhang, Shipeng Bai, Miao Sun, Ziyu Zhao, Xiaobo Lu, Xiangxiang Chu

To our knowledge, for the very first time in lidar-based 3D detection tasks, the PTQ INT8 model's accuracy is almost the same as the FP32 model while enjoying $3\times$ inference speedup.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Vehicles +3

Attributes Grouping and Mining Hashing for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval

no code implementations10 Nov 2023 Xin Lu, Shikun Chen, Yichao Cao, Xin Zhou, Xiaobo Lu

To handle this limitation, we substitute convolutional descriptors for attention-guided features and propose an Attributes Grouping and Mining Hashing (AGMH), which groups and embeds the category-specific visual attributes in multiple descriptors to generate a comprehensive feature representation for efficient fine-grained image retrieval.

Diversity Image Retrieval +1

Detecting Any Human-Object Interaction Relationship: Universal HOI Detector with Spatial Prompt Learning on Foundation Models

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Yichao Cao, Qingfei Tang, Xiu Su, Chen Song, Shan You, Xiaobo Lu, Chang Xu

We conduct a deep analysis of the three hierarchical features inherent in visual HOI detectors and propose a method for high-level relation extraction aimed at VL foundation models, which we call HO prompt-based learning.

Decoder Human-Object Interaction Detection +2

Re-mine, Learn and Reason: Exploring the Cross-modal Semantic Correlations for Language-guided HOI detection

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Yichao Cao, Qingfei Tang, Feng Yang, Xiu Su, Shan You, Xiaobo Lu, Chang Xu

Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection is a challenging computer vision task that requires visual models to address the complex interactive relationship between humans and objects and predict HOI triplets.

Human-Object Interaction Detection Sentence +1

DCPB: Deformable Convolution Based on the Poincare Ball for Top-view Fisheye Cameras

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Xuan Wei, Zhidan Ran, Xiaobo Lu

The accuracy of the visual tasks for top-view fisheye cameras is limited by the Euclidean geometry for pose-distorted objects in images.

Pro-UIGAN: Progressive Face Hallucination from Occluded Thumbnails

no code implementations2 Aug 2021 Yang Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiaobo Lu, Ping Liu

Specifically, we design a novel cross-modal transformer module for facial priors estimation, in which an input face and its landmark features are formulated as queries and keys, respectively.

Face Alignment Face Hallucination +4

STCNet: Spatio-Temporal Cross Network for Industrial Smoke Detection

2 code implementations10 Nov 2020 Yichao Cao, Qingfei Tang, Xiaobo Lu, Fan Li, Jinde Cao

To overcome these problems, a novel Spatio-Temporal Cross Network (STCNet) is proposed to recognize industrial smoke emissions.

Visual-speech Synthesis of Exaggerated Corrective Feedback

no code implementations12 Sep 2020 Yaohua Bu, Weijun Li, Tianyi Ma, Shengqi Chen, Jia Jia, Kun Li, Xiaobo Lu

To provide more discriminative feedback for the second language (L2) learners to better identify their mispronunciation, we propose a method for exaggerated visual-speech feedback in computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT).

Speech Synthesis

Measuring local moiré lattice heterogeneity of twisted bilayer graphene

1 code implementation31 Aug 2020 Tjerk Benschop, Tobias A. de Jong, Petr Stepanov, Xiaobo Lu, Vincent Stalman, Sense Jan van der Molen, Dmitri K. Efetov, Milan P. Allan

We introduce a new method to continuously map inhomogeneities of a moir\'e lattice and apply it to large-area topographic images we measure on open-device twisted bilayer graphene (TBG).

Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics Strongly Correlated Electrons

Improved YOLOv3 Object Classification in Intelligent Transportation System

no code implementations8 Apr 2020 Yang Zhang, Changhui Hu, Xiaobo Lu

The technology of vehicle and driver detection in Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) is a hot topic in recent years.

Blocking Classification +2

Adaptive Multiscale Illumination-Invariant Feature Representation for Undersampled Face Recognition

no code implementations7 Apr 2020 Yang Zhang, Changhui Hu, Xiaobo Lu

Then, the illumination level is referenced to construct the high performance LEF as well realize adaptive fusion for multiple scales LEFs for the face image, performing JLEF-feature.

Face Recognition

Deep Attentive Generative Adversarial Network for Photo-Realistic Image De-Quantization

no code implementations7 Apr 2020 Yang Zhang, Changhui Hu, Xiaobo Lu

In addition, due to the adversarial learning framework can reliably produce high quality natural images, the specified content loss as well as the adversarial loss are back-propagated to optimize the training of model.

Generative Adversarial Network Quantization +1

A Driver Fatigue Recognition Algorithm Based on Spatio-Temporal Feature Sequence

no code implementations18 Mar 2020 Chen Zhang, Xiaobo Lu, Zhiliang Huang

Researches show that fatigue driving is one of the important causes of road traffic accidents, so it is of great significance to study the driver fatigue recognition algorithm to improve road traffic safety.

Face Detection Facial Landmark Detection +1

Copy and Paste GAN: Face Hallucination from Shaded Thumbnails

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Yang Zhang, Ivor Tsang, Yawei Luo, Changhui Hu, Xiaobo Lu, Xin Yu

This paper proposes a Copy and Paste Generative Adversarial Network (CPGAN) to recover authentic high-resolution (HR) face images while compensating for low and non-uniform illumination.

Face Hallucination Generative Adversarial Network +1

Face Hallucination with Finishing Touches

no code implementations9 Feb 2020 Yang Zhang, Ivor W. Tsang, Jun Li, Ping Liu, Xiaobo Lu, Xin Yu

The coarse-level FHnet generates a frontal coarse HR face and then the fine-level FHnet makes use of the facial component appearance prior, i. e., fine-grained facial components, to attain a frontal HR face image with authentic details.

Face Hallucination Face Recognition +2

Mask-aware networks for crowd counting

no code implementations18 Dec 2018 Shengqin Jiang, Xiaobo Lu, Yinjie Lei, Lingqiao Liu

Our rationale is that the mask prediction could be better modeled as a binary segmentation problem and the difficulty of estimating the density could be reduced if the mask is known.

Crowd Counting Object +1

Spatial-temporal Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Simulated Driving Behavior Recognition

no code implementations3 Dec 2018 Yaocong Hu, MingQi Lu, Xiaobo Lu

Abnormal driving behaviour is one of the leading cause of terrible traffic accidents endangering human life.

Management Optical Flow Estimation

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