Search Results for author: Xiaocan Li

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Generalized Multi-hop Traffic Pressure for Heterogeneous Traffic Perimeter Control

no code implementations1 Sep 2024 Xiaocan Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Ilia Smirnov, Scott Sanner, Baher Abdulhai

To assist with this modulation, we can leverage the concept of 1-hop traffic pressure to measure intersection-level traffic congestion.

Revisiting Random Forests in a Comparative Evaluation of Graph Convolutional Neural Network Variants for Traffic Prediction

no code implementations30 May 2023 Ta Jiun Ting, Xiaocan Li, Scott Sanner, Baher Abdulhai

This suggests that the current graph convolutional methods may not be the best approach to traffic prediction and there is still room for improvement.

regression Traffic Prediction

Perimeter Control Using Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Model-free Approach towards Homogeneous Flow Rate Optimization

no code implementations29 May 2023 Xiaocan Li, Ray Coden Mercurius, Ayal Taitler, Xiaoyu Wang, Mohammad Noaeen, Scott Sanner, Baher Abdulhai

Moreover, no existing studies have employed reinforcement learning for homogeneous flow rate optimization in microscopic simulation, where spatial characteristics, vehicle-level information, and metering realizations -- often overlooked in macroscopic simulations -- are taken into account.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning

Tutorial: Complexity analysis of Singular Value Decomposition and its variants

3 code implementations28 Jun 2019 Xiaocan Li, Shuo Wang, Yinghao Cai

We compared the regular Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), truncated SVD, Krylov method and Randomized PCA, in terms of time and space complexity.

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