no code implementations • 20 Feb 2024 • Ping Liu, Haichao Wei, Xiaochen Hou, Jianqiang Shen, Shihai He, Kay Qianqi Shen, Zhujun Chen, Fedor Borisyuk, Daniel Hewlett, Liang Wu, Srikant Veeraraghavan, Alex Tsun, Chengming Jiang, Wenjing Zhang
This methodology decouples the training of the GNN model from that of existing Deep Neural Nets (DNN) models, eliminating the need for frequent GNN retraining while maintaining up-to-date graph signals in near realtime, allowing for the effective integration of GNN insights through transfer learning.
no code implementations • 17 Feb 2024 • Fedor Borisyuk, Shihai He, Yunbo Ouyang, Morteza Ramezani, Peng Du, Xiaochen Hou, Chengming Jiang, Nitin Pasumarthy, Priya Bannur, Birjodh Tiwana, Ping Liu, Siddharth Dangi, Daqi Sun, Zhoutao Pei, Xiao Shi, Sirou Zhu, Qianqi Shen, Kuang-Hsuan Lee, David Stein, Baolei Li, Haichao Wei, Amol Ghoting, Souvik Ghosh
In this paper, we present LiGNN, a deployed large-scale Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) Framework.
no code implementations • 10 Feb 2024 • Fedor Borisyuk, Mingzhou Zhou, Qingquan Song, Siyu Zhu, Birjodh Tiwana, Ganesh Parameswaran, Siddharth Dangi, Lars Hertel, Qiang Xiao, Xiaochen Hou, Yunbo Ouyang, Aman Gupta, Sheallika Singh, Dan Liu, Hailing Cheng, Lei Le, Jonathan Hung, Sathiya Keerthi, Ruoyan Wang, Fengyu Zhang, Mohit Kothari, Chen Zhu, Daqi Sun, Yun Dai, Xun Luan, Sirou Zhu, Zhiwei Wang, Neil Daftary, Qianqi Shen, Chengming Jiang, Haichao Wei, Maneesh Varshney, Amol Ghoting, Souvik Ghosh
We present LiRank, a large-scale ranking framework at LinkedIn that brings to production state-of-the-art modeling architectures and optimization methods.
1 code implementation • EMNLP (sustainlp) 2021 • Gengyu Wang, Xiaochen Hou, Diyi Yang, Kathleen McKeown, Jing Huang
Large pre-trained language models (PLMs) have led to great success on various commonsense question answering (QA) tasks in an end-to-end fashion.
no code implementations • NAACL 2021 • Xiaochen Hou, Peng Qi, Guangtao Wang, Rex Ying, Jing Huang, Xiaodong He, BoWen Zhou
Recent work on aspect-level sentiment classification has demonstrated the efficacy of incorporating syntactic structures such as dependency trees with graph neural networks(GNN), but these approaches are usually vulnerable to parsing errors.
no code implementations • NAACL (TextGraphs) 2021 • Xiaochen Hou, Jing Huang, Guangtao Wang, Xiaodong He, BoWen Zhou
Aspect-level sentiment classification aims to identify the sentiment polarity towards a specific aspect term in a sentence.