Search Results for author: Xiaochen Liu

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

DeRisk: An Effective Deep Learning Framework for Credit Risk Prediction over Real-World Financial Data

no code implementations7 Aug 2023 Yancheng Liang, Jiajie Zhang, Hui Li, Xiaochen Liu, Yi Hu, Yong Wu, Jinyao Zhang, Yongyan Liu, Yi Wu

Despite the tremendous advances achieved over the past years by deep learning techniques, the latest risk prediction models for industrial applications still rely on highly handtuned stage-wised statistical learning tools, such as gradient boosting and random forest methods.

Deep Learning

Analytic model for feature maps in the primary visual cortex

no code implementations17 Mar 2021 Xiaochen Liu, Peter A. Robinson

This model consists of three parts: (i) an anisotropic Laplacian (AL) operator that represents the local neural sensitivity to the orientation of visual inputs; (ii) a receptive field (RF) operator that models the anisotropic spatial RF that projects to a given V1 cell over scales of a few tenths of a millimeter and combines with the AL operator to give an overall OP operator; and (iii) a map that describes how the parameters of these operators vary approximately periodically across V1.

Efficient Pipelines for Vision-Based Context Sensing

no code implementations1 Nov 2020 Xiaochen Liu

In summary, there are three major challenges for today's vision-based context sensing systems: data collection and labeling at large scale, process large data volumes efficiently with limited hardware resources, and extract accurate context out of vision data.

Grab: Fast and Accurate Sensor Processing for Cashier-Free Shopping

no code implementations4 Jan 2020 Xiaochen Liu, Yurong Jiang, Kyu-Han Kim, Ramesh Govindan

Cashier-free shopping systems like Amazon Go improve shopping experience, but can require significant store redesign.

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