Search Results for author: Xiaochen Yuan

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

IMAN: An Adaptive Network for Robust NPC Mortality Prediction with Missing Modalities

1 code implementation24 Oct 2024 Yejing Huo, Guoheng Huang, Lianglun Cheng, Jianbin He, Xuhang Chen, Xiaochen Yuan, Guo Zhong, Chi-Man Pun

Accurate prediction of mortality in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), a complex malignancy particularly challenging in advanced stages, is crucial for optimizing treatment strategies and improving patient outcomes.

Mortality Prediction

TAGE: Trustworthy Attribute Group Editing for Stable Few-shot Image Generation

no code implementations23 Oct 2024 Ruicheng Zhang, Guoheng Huang, Yejing Huo, Xiaochen Yuan, Zhizhen Zhou, Xuhang Chen, Guo Zhong

The CPM module delves into the semantic dimensions of category-agnostic attributes, encapsulating them within a discrete codebook.

Attribute Image Generation

FastFace: Fast-converging Scheduler for Large-scale Face Recognition Training with One GPU

1 code implementation17 Apr 2024 Xueyuan Gong, Zhiquan Liu, Yain-Whar Si, Xiaochen Yuan, Ke Wang, Xiaoxiang Liu, Cong Lin, Xinyuan Zhang

Computing power has evolved into a foundational and indispensable resource in the area of deep learning, particularly in tasks such as Face Recognition (FR) model training on large-scale datasets, where multiple GPUs are often a necessity.

Face Recognition Scheduling

Adaptive Query Prompting for Multi-Domain Landmark Detection

no code implementations1 Apr 2024 Qiusen Wei, Guoheng Huang, Xiaochen Yuan, Xuhang Chen, Guo Zhong, Jianwen Huang, Jiajie Huang

Thanks to the lightweight nature of the decoder and AQP, we can handle multiple datasets by sharing the backbone encoder and then only perform partial parameter tuning without incurring much additional cost.


RBA-GCN: Relational Bilevel Aggregation Graph Convolutional Network for Emotion Recognition

1 code implementation18 Aug 2023 Lin Yuan, Guoheng Huang, Fenghuan Li, Xiaochen Yuan, Chi-Man Pun, Guo Zhong

This module can construct the interaction between different modalities and capture long-range contextual information based on similarity clusters.

Emotion Recognition in Conversation Graph Generation

Quaternion-valued Correlation Learning for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation12 May 2023 Zewen Zheng, Guoheng Huang, Xiaochen Yuan, Chi-Man Pun, Hongrui Liu, Wing-Kuen Ling

In this paper, we introduce a quaternion perspective on correlation learning and propose a novel Quaternion-valued Correlation Learning Network (QCLNet), with the aim to alleviate the computational burden of high-dimensional correlation tensor and explore internal latent interaction between query and support images by leveraging operations defined by the established quaternion algebra.

Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

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