Search Results for author: Xiaoding Yuan

Found 9 papers, 5 papers with code

CamFreeDiff: Camera-free Image to Panorama Generation with Diffusion Model

no code implementations9 Jul 2024 Xiaoding Yuan, Shitao Tang, Kejie Li, Alan Yuille, Peng Wang

This paper introduces Camera-free Diffusion (CamFreeDiff) model for 360-degree image outpainting from a single camera-free image and text description.

Image Outpainting

Consistent3D: Towards Consistent High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation with Deterministic Sampling Prior

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Zike Wu, Pan Zhou, Xuanyu Yi, Xiaoding Yuan, Hanwang Zhang

To solve this issue, we first deeply analyze the SDS and find that its distillation sampling process indeed corresponds to the trajectory sampling of a stochastic differential equation (SDE): SDS samples along an SDE trajectory to yield a less noisy sample which then serves as a guidance to optimize a 3D model.

3D Generation Text to 3D

Generating Images with 3D Annotations Using Diffusion Models

no code implementations13 Jun 2023 Wufei Ma, Qihao Liu, Jiahao Wang, Angtian Wang, Xiaoding Yuan, Yi Zhang, Zihao Xiao, Guofeng Zhang, Beijia Lu, Ruxiao Duan, Yongrui Qi, Adam Kortylewski, Yaoyao Liu, Alan Yuille

With explicit 3D geometry control, we can easily change the 3D structures of the objects in the generated images and obtain ground-truth 3D annotations automatically.

3D geometry 3D Pose Estimation +1

Robust Category-Level 3D Pose Estimation from Synthetic Data

no code implementations25 May 2023 Jiahao Yang, Wufei Ma, Angtian Wang, Xiaoding Yuan, Alan Yuille, Adam Kortylewski

In this work, we aim to narrow the performance gap between models trained on synthetic data and few real images and fully supervised models trained on large-scale data.

3D Pose Estimation 3D Reconstruction +4

PartImageNet: A Large, High-Quality Dataset of Parts

1 code implementation2 Dec 2021 Ju He, Shuo Yang, Shaokang Yang, Adam Kortylewski, Xiaoding Yuan, Jie-Neng Chen, Shuai Liu, Cheng Yang, Qihang Yu, Alan Yuille

To help address this problem, we propose PartImageNet, a large, high-quality dataset with part segmentation annotations.

Activity Recognition Few-Shot Learning +6

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