Search Results for author: Xiaohua Hu

Found 11 papers, 1 papers with code

Building Open Knowledge Graph for Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF-KG): Challenges and Case Studies

no code implementations10 Jul 2022 Yuan An, Jane Greenberg, Xintong Zhao, Xiaohua Hu, Scott McCLellan, Alex Kalinowski, Fernando J. Uribe-Romo, Kyle Langlois, Jacob Furst, Diego A. Gómez-Gualdrón, Fernando Fajardo-Rojas, Katherine Ardila

Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are a class of modular, porous crystalline materials that have great potential to revolutionize applications such as gas storage, molecular separations, chemical sensing, catalysis, and drug delivery.

Text to Insight: Accelerating Organic Materials Knowledge Extraction via Deep Learning

no code implementations27 Sep 2021 Xintong Zhao, Steven Lopez, Semion Saikin, Xiaohua Hu, Jane Greenberg

Given the extensive and growing volume of literature, the common approach of reading and manually extracting knowledge is too time consuming, creating a bottleneck in the research cycle.

named-entity-recognition Named Entity Recognition +1

Neural Stochastic Block Model & Scalable Community-Based Graph Learning

no code implementations16 May 2020 Zheng Chen, Xinli Yu, Yuan Ling, Xiaohua Hu

Compared with SBM, our framework is flexible, naturally allows soft labels and digestion of complex node attributes.

Community Detection Graph Attention +3

Large-Scale Joint Topic, Sentiment & User Preference Analysis for Online Reviews

no code implementations14 Jan 2019 Xinli Yu, Zheng Chen, Wei-Shih Yang, Xiaohua Hu, Erjia Yan

This paper presents a non-trivial reconstruction of a previous joint topic-sentiment-preference review model TSPRA with stick-breaking representation under the framework of variational inference (VI) and stochastic variational inference (SVI).

Variational Inference

Correlated Anomaly Detection from Large Streaming Data

no code implementations19 Dec 2018 Zheng Chen, Xinli Yu, Yuan Ling, Bo Song, Wei Quan, Xiaohua Hu, Erjia Yan

Correlated anomaly detection (CAD) from streaming data is a type of group anomaly detection and an essential task in useful real-time data mining applications like botnet detection, financial event detection, industrial process monitor, etc.

Event Detection Group Anomaly Detection

Fast Botnet Detection From Streaming Logs Using Online Lanczos Method

no code implementations19 Dec 2018 Zheng Chen, Xinli Yu, Chi Zhang, Jin Zhang, Cui Lin, Bo Song, Jianliang Gao, Xiaohua Hu, Wei-Shih Yang, Erjia Yan

Botnet, a group of coordinated bots, is becoming the main platform of malicious Internet activities like DDOS, click fraud, web scraping, spam/rumor distribution, etc.

Unifying Topic, Sentiment & Preference in an HDP-Based Rating Regression Model for Online Reviews

1 code implementation19 Dec 2018 Zheng Chen, Yong Zhang, Yue Shang, Xiaohua Hu

TSPRA combines topics (i. e. product aspects), word sentiment and user preference as regression factors, and is able to perform topic clustering, review rating prediction, sentiment analysis and what we invent as "critical aspect" analysis altogether in one framework.

Clustering Collaborative Filtering +3

Dialogue Session Segmentation by Embedding-Enhanced TextTiling

no code implementations13 Oct 2016 Yiping Song, Lili Mou, Rui Yan, Li Yi, Zinan Zhu, Xiaohua Hu, Ming Zhang

In human-computer conversation systems, the context of a user-issued utterance is particularly important because it provides useful background information of the conversation.

Word Embeddings

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