Search Results for author: Xiaojun Zhang

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

A Review of Discourse-level Machine Translation

no code implementations AACL (iwdp) 2020 Xiaojun Zhang

Machine translation (MT) models usually translate a text at sentence level by considering isolated sentences, which is based on a strict assumption that the sentences in a text are independent of one another.

Machine Translation NMT +2

Comparison of the effects of attention mechanism on translation tasks of different lengths of ambiguous words

no code implementations AACL (iwdp) 2020 Yue Hu, Jiahao Qin, Zemeiqi Chen, Jingshi Zhou, Xiaojun Zhang

This paper focuses on the performance of encoder decoder attention mechanism in word sense disambiguation task with different text length, trying to find out the influence of context marker on attention mechanism in word sense disambiguation task.

Decoder Machine Translation +3

Gradable ChatGPT Translation Evaluation

no code implementations18 Jan 2024 Hui Jiao, Bei Peng, Lu Zong, Xiaojun Zhang, Xinwei Li

ChatGPT, as a language model based on large-scale pre-training, has exerted a profound influence on the domain of machine translation.

Language Modelling Machine Translation +2

Corpora for Document-Level Neural Machine Translation

no code implementations LREC 2020 Siyou Liu, Xiaojun Zhang

Instead of translating sentences in isolation, document-level machine translation aims to capture discourse dependencies across sentences by considering a document as a whole.

Document Level Machine Translation Machine Translation +3

Semi-automatic Simultaneous Interpreting Quality Evaluation

no code implementations12 Nov 2016 Xiaojun Zhang

Increasing interpreting needs a more objective and automatic measurement.


Automatic Construction of Discourse Corpora for Dialogue Translation

no code implementations LREC 2016 Long-Yue Wang, Xiaojun Zhang, Zhaopeng Tu, Andy Way, Qun Liu

Then tags such as speaker and discourse boundary from the script data are projected to its subtitle data via an information retrieval approach in order to map monolingual discourse to bilingual texts.

Information Retrieval Language Modelling +3

A Novel Approach to Dropped Pronoun Translation

no code implementations NAACL 2016 Long-Yue Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Xiaojun Zhang, Hang Li, Andy Way, Qun Liu

Finally, we integrate the above outputs into our translation system to recall missing pronouns by both extracting rules from the DP-labelled training data and translating the DP-generated input sentences.

Machine Translation Translation

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