Search Results for author: Xiaoqian Lv

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Dual-Context Aggregation for Universal Image Matting

1 code implementation28 Feb 2024 Qinglin Liu, Xiaoqian Lv, Wei Yu, Changyong Guo, Shengping Zhang

However, existing matting methods are designed for specific objects or guidance, neglecting the common requirement of aggregating global and local contexts in image matting.

Image Matting

Fourier Priors-Guided Diffusion for Zero-Shot Joint Low-Light Enhancement and Deblurring

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Xiaoqian Lv, Shengping Zhang, Chenyang Wang, Yichen Zheng, Bineng Zhong, Chongyi Li, Liqiang Nie

Existing joint low-light enhancement and deblurring methods learn pixel-wise mappings from paired synthetic data which results in limited generalization in real-world scenes.


Revisiting Context Aggregation for Image Matting

1 code implementation3 Apr 2023 Qinglin Liu, Xiaoqian Lv, Quanling Meng, Zonglin Li, Xiangyuan Lan, Shuo Yang, Shengping Zhang, Liqiang Nie

Furthermore, AEMatter leverages a large image training strategy to assist the network in learning context aggregation from data.

Decoder Image Matting

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