Search Results for author: Xiaoqian Wu

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

Symbol-LLM: Leverage Language Models for Symbolic System in Visual Human Activity Reasoning

no code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Xiaoqian Wu, Yong-Lu Li, Jianhua Sun, Cewu Lu

One possible path of activity reasoning is building a symbolic system composed of symbols and rules, where one rule connects multiple symbols, implying human knowledge and reasoning abilities.

From Isolated Islands to Pangea: Unifying Semantic Space for Human Action Understanding

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Yong-Lu Li, Xiaoqian Wu, Xinpeng Liu, Zehao Wang, Yiming Dou, Yikun Ji, Junyi Zhang, Yixing Li, Jingru Tan, Xudong Lu, Cewu Lu

By aligning the classes of previous datasets to our semantic space, we gather (image/video/skeleton/MoCap) datasets into a unified database in a unified label system, i. e., bridging "isolated islands" into a "Pangea".

Action Understanding Transfer Learning

Mining Cross-Person Cues for Body-Part Interactiveness Learning in HOI Detection

1 code implementation28 Jul 2022 Xiaoqian Wu, Yong-Lu Li, Xinpeng Liu, Junyi Zhang, Yuzhe Wu, Cewu Lu

Though significant progress has been made, interactiveness learning remains a challenging problem in HOI detection: existing methods usually generate redundant negative H-O pair proposals and fail to effectively extract interactive pairs.

Human-Object Interaction Detection

HAKE: A Knowledge Engine Foundation for Human Activity Understanding

3 code implementations14 Feb 2022 Yong-Lu Li, Xinpeng Liu, Xiaoqian Wu, Yizhuo Li, Zuoyu Qiu, Liang Xu, Yue Xu, Hao-Shu Fang, Cewu Lu

Human activity understanding is of widespread interest in artificial intelligence and spans diverse applications like health care and behavior analysis.

Action Recognition Human-Object Interaction Detection +2

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