Search Results for author: Xiaoxiang Zhu

Found 18 papers, 10 papers with code

LHRS-Bot-Nova: Improved Multimodal Large Language Model for Remote Sensing Vision-Language Interpretation

1 code implementation14 Nov 2024 Zhenshi Li, Dilxat Muhtar, Feng Gu, Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao, Guangjun He, Xiaoxiang Zhu

In this study, we introduce LHRS-Bot-Nova, an MLLM specialized in understanding remote sensing (RS) images, designed to expertly perform a wide range of RS understanding tasks aligned with human instructions.

Earth Observation Instruction Following +5

Contrastive Pretraining for Visual Concept Explanations of Socioeconomic Outcomes

1 code implementation15 Apr 2024 Ivica Obadic, Alex Levering, Lars Pennig, Dario Oliveira, Diego Marcos, Xiaoxiang Zhu

Further, we illustrate how analyzing the model's conceptual sensitivity for the intervals of socioeconomic outcomes can shed light on new insights for urban studies.

Representation Learning

Building Footprint Extraction with Graph Convolutional Network

no code implementations8 May 2023 Yilei Shi, Qinyu Li, Xiaoxiang Zhu

In this work, we have proposed a end-to-end framework to overcome this issue, which uses the graph convolutional network (GCN) for building footprint extraction task.

MH-DETR: Video Moment and Highlight Detection with Cross-modal Transformer

1 code implementation29 Apr 2023 Yifang Xu, Yunzhuo Sun, Yang Li, Yilei Shi, Xiaoxiang Zhu, Sidan Du

With the increasing demand for video understanding, video moment and highlight detection (MHD) has emerged as a critical research topic.

Decoder Highlight Detection +1

ReforesTree: A Dataset for Estimating Tropical Forest Carbon Stock with Deep Learning and Aerial Imagery

1 code implementation26 Jan 2022 Gyri Reiersen, David Dao, Björn Lütjens, Konstantin Klemmer, Kenza Amara, Attila Steinegger, Ce Zhang, Xiaoxiang Zhu

The potential for impact and scale of leveraging advancements in machine learning and remote sensing technologies is promising but needs to be of high quality in order to replace the current forest stock protocols for certifications.

Change Detection Meets Visual Question Answering

1 code implementation12 Dec 2021 Zhenghang Yuan, Lichao Mou, Zhitong Xiong, Xiaoxiang Zhu

In order to provide every user with flexible access to change information and help them better understand land-cover changes, we introduce a novel task: change detection-based visual question answering (CDVQA) on multi-temporal aerial images.

Answer Generation Change Detection +3

SCIDA: Self-Correction Integrated Domain Adaptation from Single- to Multi-label Aerial Images

1 code implementation15 Aug 2021 Tianze Yu, Jianzhe Lin, Lichao Mou, Yuansheng Hua, Xiaoxiang Zhu, Z. Jane Wang

In our experiments, trained with single-labeled MAI-AID-s and MAI-UCM-s datasets, the proposed model is tested directly on our collected Multi-scene Aerial Image (MAI) dataset.

Multi-Label Image Classification Multi-Label Learning +1

Tackling the Overestimation of Forest Carbon with Deep Learning and Aerial Imagery

no code implementations23 Jul 2021 Gyri Reiersen, David Dao, Björn Lütjens, Konstantin Klemmer, Xiaoxiang Zhu, Ce Zhang

This proposal paper describes the first systematic comparison of forest carbon estimation from aerial imagery, satellite imagery, and ground-truth field measurements via deep learning-based algorithms for a tropical reforestation project.

Towards SAR Tomographic Inversion via Sparse Bayesian Learning

no code implementations24 Nov 2020 Kun Qian, Yuanyuan Wang, Xiaoxiang Zhu

Existing SAR tomography (TomoSAR) algorithms are mostly based on an inversion of the SAR imaging model, which are often computationally expensive.

Cross-Task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene Recognition

1 code implementation ECCV 2020 Di Hu, Xuhong LI, Lichao Mou, Pu Jin, Dong Chen, Liping Jing, Xiaoxiang Zhu, Dejing Dou

With the help of this dataset, we evaluate three proposed approaches for transferring the sound event knowledge to the aerial scene recognition task in a multimodal learning framework, and show the benefit of exploiting the audio information for the aerial scene recognition.

Scene Recognition

GeoSay: A Geometric Saliency for Extracting Buildings in Remote Sensing Images

no code implementations7 Nov 2018 Gui-Song Xia, Jin Huang, Nan Xue, Qikai Lu, Xiaoxiang Zhu

More precisely, given an image, the geometric saliency is derived from a mid-level geometric representations based on meaningful junctions that can locally describe geometrical structures of images.

Extracting Buildings In Remote Sensing Images

A Conditional Generative Adversarial Network to Fuse Sar And Multispectral Optical Data For Cloud Removal From Sentinel-2 Images

no code implementations IGARSS 2018 Claas Grohnfeldt, Michael Schmitt, Xiaoxiang Zhu

In this paper, we present the first conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) architecture that is specifically designed to fuse synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical multi-spectral (MS) image data to generate cloud- and haze-free MS optical data from a cloud-corrupted MS input and an auxiliary SAR image.

Cloud Removal Generative Adversarial Network

Joint & Progressive Learning from High-Dimensional Data for Multi-Label Classification

no code implementations ECCV 2018 Danfeng Hong, Naoto Yokoya, Jian Xu, Xiaoxiang Zhu

Despite the fact that nonlinear subspace learning techniques (e. g. manifold learning) have successfully applied to data representation, there is still room for improvement in explainability (explicit mapping), generalization (out-of-samples), and cost-effectiveness (linearization).

General Classification Multi-Label Classification +2

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